What’s based? Sorry I’m washed.
What’s based? Sorry I’m washed.
Uigi-lay Angione-may
She is subjectively attractive! Bonus points for looking like that Harry Pottery girl.
With big breasts
Who is driving? Bear is driving!
Should have went with Adolf Olivernipples
Just mostly dead
Get it together, grouch
And everything is orange
@glitchdx@lemmy.world here’s the OP confirmation
I thought they smelled bad on the outside
Uh yeah…yeah just like that. Can you imagine?
Stupid-ass star or stupid ass-star? Because there is a difference 😅
Ah that reminds me of Killer Klowns from Outer Space. A timeless classic.
Yes, this.
What I like to do is if I get a request from someone to do something while we are on a call, I politely ask them to send me an email so that I don’t forget about it when I get to working on it in a few hours/days. Conversely, if it’s a request that I’m asking, then I’ll send them a follow-up up email about the topics discussed (again mainly for me, but also beneficial for the recipient).
It’s super important to have that paper trail not only to CYA, but also so future conversations can be made from it. If while I’m working on something and I think of a potentially crucial idea, it’s good to be able to pull up that email and reply all so that the background and context is already there. I HATE having to repeat myself and give the whole spiel all over again – just super inefficient. Plus, many times people get added to the email chain so it helps them get caught up to speed too.
Bottom line, phone call and face to face conversations are just as important as email correspondence.
Fun fact number 2: because of this tradition, even digital clocks are sometimes shown as 10:10
It’s just based on their proximity to the sun
Ahh okay …opposite of cringe. That makes it easy to remember.