This, ask questions, listen to the answers. If the personalities are so very different, I would make sure that i bring an extra dose of patience and chill, so that any moments where the personalities might ‘clash’ or find each other can be passed with respect and empathy, instead of frustration and emotion.
If I need more ‘connection power’, I will omit any negative comments that might float up my brain and keep them for myself for a while, and only focus on sharing my positive or neutral (philosophical?) thoughts about the current subject. Hope you can find some points to connect, but taking this kind of step to help that along is already a great sign :-). If you could update us in a while, I would love that.
EDIT I saw a list of his hobbies you shared, that opens up the convo a lot!
Minecraft, baking and cooking would be my focus, because all of that can be co-op :-) and it aligns with my interests. You could start a Minecraft world together, so he can show you how it works. You could bake a cake together, or bake your own cake and then ask for tips on how to improve? Ask him what is his fav dish to cook and try to make a very good version of it together?
I grew up around dogs and when trying out the stuff I learned on cats, it worked about as well as we now might expect 😅. My theory was that I just didn’t get them, so I would pass up on interactions because nails.
Now I live with 2 cats of my own, and it’s super cozy. But there was quite the learning curve! It was fun to learn it all, though.
Anyway, wanting control is not just some weird kink/personality mishap when talking about it in context of dog ownership. Most of the time, either you are in control, or the dog is. Dogs in control are unsafe to be around, so you don’t really have a choice.
Ah, I always wondered what made me happy to be around dogs. It’s my pathological need for control!
Stupid laws of nature, making everything cool super hard and expensive!
ooooh my! What a treat! Have fun everyone!
Yeah but in this town, they kill bakers . Don’t listen to this guy y’all, he’s just trying to up his baker tally so he can look cool eating bread. It’s a trap, don’t bake bread.
Don’t do it, really guys, I’m not joking.
Second for BotW emulation, if you haven’t played that yet. I took the emulation opportunity to set max_durability of all items at 400% with a helper program. Frick that noise, hahaha.
That Mad Max game deeply discounted on steam RN, pretty cool action, in car and out, nice exploration, not BotW levels but good enough.
Well, reading this and the rest of this thread, I can’t think of anything else. Since you ruled out pretty much everything else, I would now put my money on one of the parts shorted during cleaning… anecdotally I’ve heard parts dying by shorting them with your fingers, but it never happened to me, so that would be pretty unlucky.
Last time I did a cleaning of a particularly dusty system, a dustbunny flew in the PCI-e port without us noticing (it was dark and circumstances were not ideal). With the GPU Re-inserted, that was enough for the system to behave similarly to yours, but you re-seated everything so… That would eliminate this as a possibility.
You could share a photo of the current situation, a top down of the mobo? Eliminate chances you are missing something by secondary means(as opposed to just text)?
Did you maybe unseat the tiny power switch/activity led front panel cables?
“I am legally obliged to tell you, that I am not a real docter” Dr. Zed from Borderlands (2)
I have to charge the battery EVERY TIME! There is a wheel on the top I have to spin else it won’t do ANYTHING.
In that case, add 3 and go again! Scarf it up!!
It’s not the call me hand, it’s the hang loose emoji!
Everyone’s experiences will be different. There is hate everywhere, and here too. It doesn’t feel worse to me then anywhere else, so that’s already pretty great in my book.
Man o man, I love me some zomboid. Almost everyday, when I leave for work, about 5 minutes into my journey I get the zomboid heebie-jeebies :-).
Lemmy share the beginnings of our old Cookhouse:
And I only fell 3 times while making the roof!
Sidenote: Homelessness_in_Japan is really low because they made some serious efforts to tray and reduce it.
Ouch, my hip.
Bowtie, but also prefer them IRL over a necktie.