The meme made a claim! I don’t see you contesting that. And again, go do your research. Find groups who are willing to share such content. I’m not, period.
Ask me! =)
The meme made a claim! I don’t see you contesting that. And again, go do your research. Find groups who are willing to share such content. I’m not, period.
Source: Hamas, ask them!
I’m not your delivery man, find them for yourself.
Join the groups in the platforms I mentioned pior and find the photos for yourself. Only a terrorist group like Hamas is prepared and willing to share such atrocities online. I’m not one of them. Go do your own research.
If you don’t see anything wrong with sharing photos of decapitated dead babies, I have nothing else to talk to you about. Go do your own research if you’re so inclined to.
IDF said what now?! Sauce or it’s lies.
You will not find such material through official sources. They are atrocities and should not be circulated for many many good reasons. The photos and videos that do exist are spread around by Hamas themselves who have a sadistic satisfaction in seeing jews, abused, tortured and dead.
I’ve seen photos of said babies. Look up for groups in WhatsApp or Telegram and you’ll find them.
That will backfire badly and Biff becomes a drug lord.
Jaspion? Is that you?
here, I fixed it for ya! =)
dnf check-update
dnf updateinfo
dnf updateinfo list
sudo dnf upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get autoremove
As Louis Rossman said: “if Apple is happy about this, I’m worried.”
USB-C should have never been a “finally” moment for a giant like Apple.
Is the source for the meme made up? Does it get a pass too?