Stopped being poor. My family instilling a poverty mindset meant stuff breaking led to many negative emotions. If you stop caring about how much that can ruin your financial situation, that’s a massive reduction in stress and anger.
Use a bottle (don’t do this).
Liquids aren’t even the issue. Salt is. Every time I gorge myself on some smoked salmon before bedtime I inevitably wake up in the middle of the night. Apparently getting rid of some salt is somehow now important than a good night’s sleep. My bladder isn’t going to corrode just because I have slightly more salt in it. Let me fucking sleep!
And once the insects have finished eating the substance, there will be nothing remaining.
Oh, that one’s easy! Just use the internet archivenevermind.
Don’t feed the AI
How’s the bot situation?
It’s high Huge Laurie without facial hair…
OpenSuse needs no fork for it has no flaw. If you ever imagine that it can be improved, you should probably reconsider.
My Acer laptop has seen 10 years of daily use. The battery is obviously fucked and the w key had to be changed (no clue why) but it’s still chugging along just fine.
I always held it. Now I feel like the same I did before.
My beloved
But that extremely expensive NFT I bought has my name on it, not yours. Therefore it is owned by me and nobody else.
No I won’t show it to you.
Because people hate themselves and want to make their lives harder.
I like to pretend that I’m inherently superior to them :)
Košs KPH30i headphones. Those fuckers are an actual health hazard. They will make your ears suffer for the crime of putting them on.
Really sad cause Porta Pros are incredible. And I usually see people suggest getting the KPH30i instead. Don’t do that.
To punish us for the sin that is inventing JavaScript.
Good thing these statements are not absolute then. Anecdotally I am way more happy thanks to my well praying job, even though the only change in my life apart from that was getting a driver’s license.