Pretty much every time I stumble across a post from tumblr, yeah.
Pretty much every time I stumble across a post from tumblr, yeah.
I’m rooting for Yellowstone caldera, baby.
Las Vegas overshadowed it from the start, unfortunately.
A pint is great at helping me fall asleep. Unfortunately, it also prevents me from sleeping restfully.
Go on a pitbull-lovers subreddit and suggest that all their dogs should be put down. You’ll get a site wide ban for “promoting violence” right quick.
Reagan being president. No, not even now.
If someone’s job is to cause death and suffering and they profit from it then yeah maybe they should face the same.
Calling what this guy did for a living “just a job” is absurd.
There’s no edge here, man. It’s mainstream now. This guy is turning into a bona fide folk hero.
I honestly hope he’s never caught, but that’s not very realistic. The only real bright side to his inevitable capture is that we’ll know what name and face to put on the statues.
Some will bring up the “slippery slope” as a reason for us to treat this guy within the legal system as we would any other killer. I would respond to this people that we’re already barrelling headlong down a greasy slope and have been for a long time now.
Far from endangering is further, maybe this guy has shown us an offramp.
Hell, I’ve been waiting for 99942 Apophis to swing by us since Stargate was still on the air. Still got five years left on that one, but 2004 when that was first called out as a concern was the first time I really started contemplating the idea of the actual end of the world, in a bang not a whimper.
Sure, Y2K was supposed to cause some chaos, and 2012 was fun from a “what if magic is real” sort of angle, but everything else has been a gradual dawning realization that the world as we know it is probably going to be gone in my children’s lifetimes – not over yet, but profoundly changed, more difficult, the slow closing of the book on a golden age for humanity we didn’t fully appreciate while we were in it.
It is fenced off on the grounds of the Royal Hospital in Chelsea, but some good aim with a small catapult could still get the job done.
Maybe it’s time to admit that you are bad at this and you should do something else besides trying to run a business. It’s clearly not your forte.
This is pretty good satire, and I gotta give you props for sticking to the bit, LunchMoneyThief.
Happy workers stay longer and don’t leave rotting fish in the vents right before quitting out of frustration.
Give it to me.
I hope you’re referring to the unfinished compilation Salmon of Doubt as the sixth, and not that weak sub-fanfic tripe by Eoin Colfer.
Lamb was great! Really does a fantastic job of highlighting the hypocrisy inherent in modern religious constructs.
Godel, Escher, Bach
Infinite Jest
The Lord of the Rings
The Demon-Haunted World
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Small Gods
Master and Commander
and everything else written by those authors.
The first two or three on that list might take several fits and starts to get through, YMMV, but they are WELL worth the effort, and you will come out the other side changed by the experience. The others are all pretty easily digestible, but no less transformative.
Accidental like Strangelove, perhaps. Just an involuntary spasm revealing his true nature.