It sounds like my old place. So long as you don’t have a corner unit you’re not being heated. You’re being sheltered from the cold by the surrounding units. The baseboard heaters are only there to touch up if you crack a window or something.
Is this thing on?
It sounds like my old place. So long as you don’t have a corner unit you’re not being heated. You’re being sheltered from the cold by the surrounding units. The baseboard heaters are only there to touch up if you crack a window or something.
Not my proudest fap
You are correct ofc, but the law (where applicable) is not for tenants. It’s for the Fire Dept.
If it is the only lift for the building it is likely a firecode violation…
Yeah, the rage at every time something gets around the filters is nowhere near the stress built up while the filters were inactive.
Annoying? Absolutely. Worth getting upset about? Nah. I’m not going to pick fights with every person complaining about American stupidity at the water cooler. I’m not going to be rude to people here just because the text passed the filter. It would be more constructive to instead, erm, direct energy towards removing the source of the problem than tilt at windmills.
That’s what makes it mildly infuriating.
This is in-your-face pending shrinkflation. Once they run out of old packaging they will use new with reduced mass and count but same price. Also, you assume they’ve actually increased the number to keep the mass valid. I would not be shocked at all to learn they didn’t making this potential lawsuit material.
Finally, a programmer joke I get!
Watering the tree of liberty something or other.
According to Nadine Strossen, the case was part of a gradual process in the 20th century where the Court strengthened First Amendment protections and narrowed down the application of earlier decisions which upheld restrictions of free speech, in part due to the realisation that the Illinois restrictions on Nazi “hate speech” were so broad they could have been equally used to prohibit Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrations in Skokie.
People so quick to applaud censorship need to consider how their arguments can work against them to.
More like Genghis Con amirite?
Yeah, ‘compassionate and nonviolent’ is translated to “judgmental cuck” in their language.
Eh, the look of horror of the lady next to him does it for me 😆
This is an old old fear for me thanks to my dad. Told me the tale that spiders love to home in warm dark moist areas and our mouths are perfect spots to settle overnight if we leave them agape while sleeping. I’m still arachnophobic to the point seeing close up photos of them makes me visibly sweat.
This comic def reminds me of childhood nightmares.
No, in the whole sense. It could very easily be interpreted that He gave Baal-rogs what would in modern days be described as a ‘jetpack’. 2 flames jutting out from the rear. Baal-rog is dark-speech for “breaks sound barrier”. We are talking about supernatural creatures that by definition transcend expectations and as such verisimilitude doesn’t apply.
None of them could go 400 mph. That’s just silly
And completely in keeping with every other facet of fantasy if you want to be that way. A Baalrog can go 400mph just as easily as Gandalf could teleport. All it takes is the stroke of a pen.
They have it really bad over there. My understanding is most European countries would laugh at Canadian labour law, but Canada laughs at the US’s.
Depends on the Province I think. Where I’m at you’re entitled to 30 min off (unpaid) within the first 5 hours, and another within 8 if you’re working longer than 8 hours. 15 min breaks are not mandated except that if the company gives you them they must be paid.
I woke up with horrible neck pain because apparently I did that thing I’ve been doing every day for my entire life, sleeping, wrong.
Wish the company name was included. They seem to have their shit together.