You’re completely missing the opposite though. Should straight-cis-whatever be just as private? How does that work with media and entertainment? What types of relationships are being used to tell a story and how does that effect someone watching? You can’t just say it should stay Private when every piece of our society-fabric is woven with hetero storytelling/traditions.
A traditional marriage is a heterosexual parade (even have throwing shit and jumbling cans behind the car so everyone knows!).
Also, I’m not sure you’re aware of this (I guess), but most people in history just don’t come out exclaiming their sexual preferences. They were outted and condemned by the communities and people in it. They suffer in silence while those around them judge and make their lives harder (or end them). You can’t ask a whole swath of people to stay “private” while others celebrate their relationship openly, I don’t even understand how you can equate all of this together honestly. This just seems like a “don’t dress provocative if you don’t want to be raped” kinda view.
that’s easily dissuaded by no re-posts or reddits algorithm burying those. The problem was more likely because they were popular and highly engaged so they had to step in. Fucking “spez” is in there and you still feel the need to play devil’s advocate?
Oh this is a sassy one. Just for context, when did the Israel/Gaza conflict begin? I’m so OOTL.
I don’t think it’s even that, if you’re just passionate and serious about a movement it will slowly improve your charisma if you’re even 10% intelligent about it. Actually getting involved and going to meetings etc will 100% increase your chances of finding a partner. Now if you want one of those undercover bunker-buddies, you’re gonna need to start doing some heavy planning but probably not actually do anything illegal.
That’s… how children learn?
I’ll second the robot vacuum. Doesn’t even have to be an expensive one or a “top reviewed” blah blah(don’t get a lemon though). It’s not a replacement for a vacuum or having to clean, it’s just a nice little companion that helps out a little and reminds you that you have to clean. Don’t have one myself but a relative does and it’s fun to see (over there a lot to help out because they’re older).
If you’re into sci-fi or electronics or little animal/robot companions in games, it kinda feels exactly the same but in person. Such a strange sensation to feel joy when the little robot guy runs between your feet or you have to shoo them out of the bathroom so you can use it lol. Even my older relative kinda treats it like a pet but all you have to do is empty it’s belly.
wow, I can’t imagine randomly losing your possibly favorite toys every couple of months would have any sort of effect on a person when they become an adult. How many toys are you buying your kids throughout the year?!? Just get them proper storage and explain to them their items need to fit into it (shelves, toy chests. etc). Let them decide which items when it gets too much, you’re gonna have a hoarder on your hands when they get older if they always fear losing their items or never learn to let go of things they don’t need anymore.
Holy shit I completely had no idea, why doesn’t this ever get brought up when they talk about voting in general? Thank you for letting people know.
yeah, a really bad one rigged up on a cleanout for a main venting/drain stack. But, at least they got a p-trap in there lol.
Typically I don’t, the only reason I pull it up is because I have posts from 10 years ago that still get responses every month (I get e-mail alerts for those posts). Usually I’ll just message the user with information and an alternative forum I’ve setup in the past if they need more answers (it’s really niche and this forum format (reddit/lemmy) really doesn’t suit the topic). I keep thinking one day it will be all bots just leaving messages but they respond and usually sign up on the other site. So, I feel conflicted about deleting my posts or not responding because it is actually effective at connecting to new people, at least for the time being.
damn, that sounds like you were part of a case study in your childhood. Is there a difference with how your brother turned out and yourself? Interested to know if you picked up skills like DIY and stuff while your brother isn’t capable of those things.
It’s interesting the preconceived notions over managements usefulness and the actual role a CEO plays in a company. I’ve had a lot of conversations with people over the years and everyone just expects that it “has to be this way or it won’t work”. Like every admin position is critical or the company will fail, completely disregarding that most of those positions didn’t exist before and the company ran just fine.
There’s a lot of misinformation over what their actual job entails. Management is mostly just one big “telephone” game (been on all sides of it, got out just in time before it warped my perception of life). The original role of being support is completely absent in their duties as our society and culture has changed. People also think a co-op would never work because you need a big shot CEO who runs the company and makes all the decisions (they don’t, plenty of examples in reality).
It’s kinda funny to hear a lot of the tech people on here mention imposter syndrome. Every person in administration has this feeling deep down inside that they aren’t important and they have no clue what they’re doing. The only difference is everyone in the C-suite pat’s eachother on the back and help build each other’s ego up so they can just pretend they don’t feel it. It’s why people in these positions get so defensive and irate if you start dissecting their actual duties and importance. They’ve been reassured everyday that what they do is integral when it’s suppose to be the managers job to make his employees feel that way.
I think it’s important to realize that we fantasize the person more than actually knowing them in the beginning. This can be bad if you’re expectations are high and you find yourself fantasizing about a partner often. It’s especially hard when just chatting online as we tend to form that person in our head before we actually meet them.
Just remember it takes time to really get to know someone. You can spend a lifetime learning someones inner workings and never really figure it out 100%. It can be a blessing though since it will allow you to fall in love with the person more than once.
edit: meant to add that it’s also a similar struggle if you fantasize about “The One that Got Away”. It’s not reality, that person isn’t who you believe them to be in your dreams (both literally and figuratively if you dream about them at night). Your perceived notions of what that relationship would be might hold you back from actually fully committing to the person you’re interested in.
Ah, guess we’ve just hit different perspectives in life. I live in the rural south of the US. So radio, local news, politicians, and social conversations all basically skew either religious or right-wing (often times mixed). The fear-mongering is constant. One of the reasons why I was so discouraged by the DNC this last election cycle; they lead with fear mongering lately, which I was already inundated with.
I think you’re just gonna have to double-down on returns if you want that in-person experience online without jumping through hoops. Just make sure to shop online at places that have a good policy, some clothing websites know this is how it works so their policy is setup to compliment that (free returns, awesome customer service, decent return time policy).
Think of the mail delivery as your personal entourage, they bring you clothing to try on at your leisure (which you’ve pre-selected the style/etc) and you just give them back if you’re not satisfied. You can schedule pick-ups easily without needing to go to the post office every week if the company has a decent enough packaging system (some even send return slips/packages or are printable etc).
To make it easier, I would suggest getting into the measurements of your body. It’s not like your body is going to dramatically change from day to day so it should be something you’ll be able to monitor and get used to real quick (male centric video/female centric video). It’s a little more work, but will last you a lifetime as a skill to better understand your body. It will probably help lower the number of returns as well since you’ll be better informed.
Kinda sad to see the local news comment. I’m not sure if there’s just a really bad local news station by you or there’s some preconceived notions floating there, but you’re more likely to remember the reporting of a death versus Grandma Martha’s award winning plant that got recognition.
If you have other techniques for staying up to date with local and state events please share them, people need to be involved with local more than national (both are important, statistically you impact local more though). I have a couple of local news stations that I follow with their online postings. I feel it’s important to comment and discuss on those because the only vocal people seem to be extremists on there, people need to see that there are like minded people nearby so it’s not so weird to think differently to them.
I’m also confused by your religious missionaries and leftists comment, are you including the right-wing with religious? I can’t argue that everyone doesn’t push the whole savior narrative, just not sure why you singled out those two groups and left everyone else out lol.
It’s tough. Just keeping up with “trying” to be aware is a full-time stressful job (there’s literally only so much time in a day to absorb information, some have less/more). That would be hard even if everything was awesome news all the time in a world so connected.
It helps to realize that it’s always been this way, the world is a busy busy place. Everything going on, all the time, never stopping. It doesn’t pause, you sleep and the world continues on without you. It’s overwhelming, but kinda cool at the same time.
So for me, I take a step back with “mindfulness”. It’s just a word, but what you’re going for is a feeling. For instance, if you’ve been on here a long time, turn off your screen for a minute and look at your surroundings. Don’t let your mind wander back to the screen. Literally give your mind a second to realize you are just existing in a small space. Look at your wall and pick out a detail you haven’t seen before, or a tree (anything to let your mind think about something else).
Take some deep breaths or stretch or feel your toes, there’s lots of different techniques people use. But, you’re going for the disconnected feeling. If you’re breathing and still thinking about what’s online you gotta refocus to your immediate area. That argument or event is not in your vicinity. You are not helping by stressing out over it. Don’t be a fire-fighter who’s in a firehouse worried about all the houses catching on fire.
You can compensate your mind’s news addiction, by realizing you are better prepared to interact and absorb information online if you’re more stable. At some point your cognitive mind is tapped out but you’re still scrolling from habit, or you’re less likely to get your point across with proper communication if you’re not in your best mindset.
By just giving your mind a little room to breathe you’ll start figuring out what you want to do with that time. Local organization, hobbies, chores, your mind will try to fill that void with something and you’ll be able to hopefully choose something that helps your current overwhelming feeling. Fire-fighters check equipment, play games, shoot the shit, etc. They’re still extremely helpful when the time comes.
From recent events I believe online discourse is an important part of society interaction. Look at the media attention over the CEO, instead of just demonizing him, they had to spend time trying to fight all the online support and looked like fools during it.
Yeah! Can’t understand why they believe checks comment…oh… climate change? Umm, sure. You got them, glad you gave them that mental check and brought them back to reality…weren’t just being insulting or anything.
It’s morning and don’t have a lot of time but this is an interesting question I wanted to answer while it was relevant.
A lot of people have touched on the basics which kinda follow along any industry. Price gouging, variety is more expensive than just making one repetitive design, etc. Few things I wanted to touch on,
You shouldn’t really be replacing faucets that much. They design them to have internal structures which can be replaced. Even the crappiest low cost items can be fixed with a few bucks (they call these mobile home models, what gets put into all the mass manufactured items and are usually in a different section all to themselves). Pick a design you want and look into it’s replacement parts to save some money (if you’re worried about the part being reliably available, just get like 3 kits and you’ll be set for life).
Supply chain cost. Manufacturers make a product for 30, they sell it to distributors who mark it up to 50, they sell it to a store who then marks it up to 80. Home Renovision DIY has a great video detailing the process, compares online vs boxstore vs plumbing store. Also cuts them open and shows you the internals which is all great with a 13min video.
I second the boob analysis (ass myself). The whole having his feet washed and with their hair means he was probably looking down the shirt. An ass man would have them washing their own feet. Of course, it could be neither and just a foot fetish thing instead.