When are we getting the one where he admits to cannibalism?
Die, I suppose.
Not the same by the sound of it, my hearing is exceptional for my age and career path.
Sorry to hear your hearing has deteriorated to such a degree, I hope you’re able to tune it out/sleep through it.
I’ve been listening well above recommend levels for years, I’ve done work operating industrial machinery and my hearing tested among the best for my age. Just use hearing protection, and don’t go nuts on the volume.
Most people can’t be trusted operating a ground-dwelling vehicle, I’m fine with not having flying ones yet.
The extra A is for abomination.
Poorly, I left for a reason.
I highly doubt it is, but is it still going? I miss that so much.
I certainly enjoy their posts/comments.
Happy birthday! Sorry healthcare in your country is so piss poor.
Yeah baby, yeah you piece of shit.
I finally let my phone do some app updates the other week, my banking app now displays full screen ads for their credit cards, conveniently right as you go to click the transfer button.
I don’t update shit anymore. I update my OS and apps on my desktop, but my phone is now being actively neglected in regards to app updates. Every single app update breaks something, removes a feature, or brings ads into the picture.
A multitude of fuckups.
Should’ve got a PC, your loss.
I thought exactly the same thing, as previously though, I was willing to swallow the $8 (at the time) in order to use my tablet for coding (may as well be a laptop running android tbh).
That’s fucked up, it was $8AUD when I got it like a year ago. Fuckin corpos and their price hikes.
I was happy to swallow it to code on the go, but I only used it for a few weeks. Sometimes I lay in bed to code though so I can watch TV as well (never mind all the errors I make as a result).
I’ve got a Lenovo P11, goes pretty well on a charge, and VSCode is available on android, haven’t used it much as I almost always code at home now.
Need leaf