Duck imposter.
Duck imposter.
Ah, gotcha. I thought I was having a stroke for a second there.
So I know you’re just wearing a hat but when I first saw your reflection it looked like a duck and now I can’t unsee it.
Honestly I’ve only had to renew my liscense once before. I wasn’t sure if any of the information that they would require to pull my record would change when I renewed it.
They did want a picture of my liscense but, thinking about it now, that was probably just for my I9. Like you said, they should only need the number to run my record.
It doesn’t actually expire until March. I start the new job at the start of February. So I’ll still have a bit over a month to get it done even after I get the new job and they run my records. It would just be more of a pain because the DMV is only open durring my new working hours. It’s still doable though because I could always just swing in on my lunch break.
Honestly I’m probably worrying about this way more than I should. If I wait to get it renewed then I just swing by the DMV some day on my lunch break. If I renew it now it would probably be fine and even if it did screw something up it would probably take a single email to HR to resolve it.
I once quit one of my antidepressants (venlafaxine) cold turkey and got to feel my brain throb nonstop for a month straight.
Are you kidding. This is murica! Cheese is practically a waste product of our over subsidized dairy industry. Theres a reason that there’s 1.4 billion pounds of cheese in our strategic cheese reserves. Theres no reason those enchiladas couldn’t be 50% cheese product.
Ah, going with the quantum bogo sort then.
Piss harder.
Assuming you’re in the US you should know that first time home buyers can put basically 0% down. You need to pay mortgage insurance until you hit 20% equity in your home but that isn’t terribly expensive when you compare it to the mortgage, insurance, and taxes. The 20% down rule is really only if youre selling an existing property to buy a different one. No bank is expecting a first time buyer to put 20% down.
I want to say the total amount I paid out of pocket at closing for my house was like $3000 back in 2018. So it’s still spendy but the down payment isn’t as much of an obstacle as people make it out to be. The bigger obstacles are just having a good credit score and a history of stable employment.
Tampons have been used to manage menstruation for thousands of years. In the 1800s they first started trying to used them for bullet wounds. So they weren’t invented for bullet wounds.
Also, just to be clear, don’t stick a tampon in a bullet wound. They are not at all an effective dressing. In all cases you are far better off just holding a wad of gauze or similar over the wound and applying pressure. A tampon isn’t large enough and doesn’t go deep enough to do any good as packing.
Cows also tend to be very curious. If you walk into a pasture and start doing something weird then most of the cows will usually run over to see what you’re doing.
It could have just been a person running through the woods and the cows were running after them to see where they were going.
They took the ebike into central park and got away on foot from there. I doubt they’re the one that rented the bike or if they did, they did it with fake info and a prepaid card. Once they got to central park they probably swapped into a new set of clothes out of that backpack and disapeared.
A lot of times you can just give the used oil to any mechanic shop. They almost all run waste oil burners for heat in the winter so any free oil is just free heat for them.