Der deutsche Winter kann schon kalt werden. “Sehr hart” würde ich nicht sagen. Kommt aber auch darauf an, was deine Vorerfahrungen mit Winter sind.
Eine Schneehose (Jacke für die Beine) tragen hier die wenigsten. Würde eher ein paar lange Unterhosen für richtig kalte Tage kaufen, das ist wahrscheinlich billiger.
Handschuhe (und eine Mütze, falls deine Jacke keibe gefütterte Kaputze hat) würde ich schon kaufen, wenn du viel draußen unterwegs sein wirst.
You can’t have a chatbot that gives good answers without having a chatbot that gives liberal answers.
So I’m an Arch user since 2013 and I don’t think I’m toxic. I am not really offended by this post but a bit worried. Why this hate against Arch (users)? I use Arch, btw is a meme that may has some truth, but like every good meme it is exaggerated. Arch users may have some pride in tunning Arch but most of the time they’re (in my expierence) helpful and inclusive. The OS itself fits right to my expectations: community driven, pragmatic, highly customizable. And I think the community is doing a lot for the overall Linux community with the Arch Wiki and for the Arch-based family with the AUR.
Edit: I didn’t seek help in the Arch fotum myself but read some threads there. Haven’t encountered any bm there.
Overthrowing countries sounds good. Sadly, chatGPT is stupid as fuck.
That wil convince many people and help them accept that you are a fucking idiot and should rethink your life choices
Also bitte, es steht doch hier sogar im Thread und hinter dem entsprechenden Link genauer: Beide in Deutschland vorhandene Siegel machen auch Vorgaben zu Nachhaltigkeit und Sozialverträglichkeit. Und selbst wenn es nur Inhaltsstoffe wären könnte das wasser aus der Leitung immernoch besser sein…
Das Wasser aus dem Hahn ist definitiv mehr “Bio”
As a german communist lemmy app, i disagree
“Blockchain Developer”
What do you think is anarchy? Without searching engine please.
Nah, that’s just wrong. You can compare yourself in other ways than how much fake money you earn. Fun thing is: truly communistic society would mean easier work for most people.
And communism does work in small scale enviroments. Families, cooperatives, tribes. Sometimes neighborhoods.
This whole “Sounds great but won’t work” rhethoric is just what the ones that would loose their power in communsim want you to think. If you dig into it you will see, that there were and are a lot of efforts to discredit the idea.
So I am a middle aged man, living with my family in a 140 sqm house with a garden, built in 2019 in one of the richest countried of the world. We go on vacation 2 times a year, eat good, do a lot of freetime activities like amusement parks, eating out, etc. Both my wife and me work on well payed proffessions and are at least in the top quarter of people in our country regarding wealth. And I know for a fact that many people earn less for far more work, because I used to be one of them. Only in my country, one of the richest in the world. I was fortunate, because I was gifted with a pretty good brain and other things that are absolutly not my doing, but there are a lot of people in low paying and minimum wage jobs that work a lot harder than me.
TL;DR: Capitalism is no meritocracy. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. It’s a fucked up system and we need something more fair.
There were no actual efforts to establish communism in eastern europe. Only autocratic regimes backed by soviet russia.
The text in the german flag area translates to
u/spez is a son of a removed
Jumper wire into bread board.
Runner-Up: Paper clip into Socket
Diese Verballhornung angelsächsischer Begriffe ist in unters wie ich_iel ein weit verbreiteter rennender Knebel.
Despite the overall quality of the water in the region, the water pipes can ruin it. If you got lead pipes you should avoid drinking the water or using it for cooking. Boiling won’t change it.
In Germany, landlords are legally required to tell you if there are lead pipes in your house, don’t know about other countries. Typically, the risk of having lead pipes is higher if the house is older.
TL;DR: lead pipes are very bad
Linux Mint is great for beginners. Have you ever installed windows? Installing Linux Mint is as easy as that. The day to day use is not much different compared to windows. Don’t be afraid to try it out, you can always go back to windows if it does not work out for you