John Oliver, Linus, and The Daily Show? We have a very similar taste in YouTube videos.
John Oliver, Linus, and The Daily Show? We have a very similar taste in YouTube videos.
Just assassinate your boss and let the good time roll 😁
Are you sure you don’t need a website redesign? My company can get you on the right track!
Exactly what are you eager for, Mr. Eagle?
Did you weigh that $20 against all of the effort that you would need to go get your own damn food? You are paying for convenience! If you want a good deal don’t pay someone else to do your work for you.
87 mph in american, btw.
10 seconds?!? My S20 takes like a full minute!
Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll, mmmkay?
Alec Watson! Nice to see him getting memed. He lives like an hour from me in Lombard. I love Technology Connections.
When did Lemmy get a ForwardsFromKlandma page?
Because everyone sucks at drawing hands
Companies who make alarms clocks should have to pay for all the knocker-upper jobs lost! Automation has been affecting the workforce for centuries, and it isn’t going to stop any time soon.
I don’t see a banana in them shorts, so the name checks out.