Have you ever played Magic the Gathering Arena? Because they use the same algorithm I swear on everything I hold dear and valuable to me.
In it for the long game. 🤪
Thanks for sharing.
Victim blaming is an ageless tradition in the middle eastern cultures. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Muslim woman, Christian woman or Jewish woman… All the Abrahamic religions consider women as a faulty part of the humanity and in corporation with the devil. So I’m not surprised. I’m also not surprised that so called Christians circle jerking each other while they don’t know what their bible says about women. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Because you won’t be talking shit if you know what the fuck is really up with so called religion.
I’m a gamer and I love it. Without it I wouldn’t be able to play my favorite such as Open Transport Tycoon or OpenRA. We need more to make old games better.
Just couple days back my friend was asking if there are any good new Warhammer 40k games. I’ll see what he will have to say about this one lol.
Tripping game of the year award goes to…
So this is why it wasn’t working. People were doing it wrong. You supposed to piss on the jelly.
As you can see they are giving opening greetings for this session.
I’m not gonna lie I wondered about my dog being a fascist. It will definitely be a an interesting world. Where I and anyone who thinks that they are a great owner would be made an example for our shortcomings. I mean dog to human ageing is 7 to 1 years. If I were in such a constrain I’ll kill the person who would make me wait for stealing from my lifetime.
I see your Vietnam toilet paper and raise it with with my paradoxical environmental savings whatever this is (lights were on when this picture taken):