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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Everyone is right; its an easy way to equate “deviancy” and to deny people rights. Its not just LGBT+; whenever nazis want to make a group of people a target, they accuse them of being “rapists” or “pedophiles.” The OG Nazis accused the Jews of wanting to molest Aryan women. Just look at Birth of a Nation. Or Trumps comments about Mexicans being rapists. It is also just generalized dehumanizing language.

    But also: there is power in redefining “pedophilia.” It lets them attack LGBT+ by calling them “groomers” but then involve the services of inspectors who exist to… “verify” genitalia? It allows them to bring back child marriage or protect powerful clergy or rich assholes like Epstien, while attacking gay marriage. Libertarians attack the age of consent and want to bring back child labor. Everything becomes pedophilia except actual pedophilia. The real question becomes, why, when one has enough money or institutional power to do anything, like go to space or buy a senator to protect your wealth systemically, why does become extremely interested in fucking children?

  • So I have this theory that Elon has only ever experienced love once in his entire life. Think about it; who does he interact with? His parents, other CEOs, VC types, servants. They all want something from him. He has the most powerful people in the world (and a whole subclass of weird guy) in line to sack ride him. That must just seem like how the world is supposed to be. And then he starts dating Grimes, who is a relatively normal person, who shows him real genuine love.

    And then they break up in a real, genuine, and actually pretty normal way, and Musk is in no way emotionally prepared for it, like a teenager. So he gets mad at everything she taught him, at everything they shared, at everything he was when he was with her. But most interestingly, he can’t buy the thing she gave him, so he’s been trying to convince himself it was an illusion that never existed in the first place.

  • Streaming services. I’ve been balls deep into piracy since I was a kid but I remember once I was house sitting and my friend had netflix and I Was drunk and wanted to watch He-man. I turned on their netflix and it didn’t have it. I was like, why even pay for this shit whats it good for? I have been morally opposed to paying for streaming ever since. Ive been taking some classes recently and some of the Gen Z kids are like, baffled I don’t have spotify. I am baffled they can’t pirate songs. My friends, you dont have to pay for that single. I can download it during the span of this conversation with my phone.

    Also on that note, any of WotC’s D&D tools. I remember the D&Dinsider debacle. 4e was a cool game but basically unplayable without some automation. They tried downloadable software but found people had way too easy a time hacking it. So they launched a constantly crashing version behind a paywall that ran on silverlight (so it couldn’t run on Mac. As a webapp.) And hackers still kept up the downloadable character builder with updates. It was more consistent, didn’t crash, and is still functional to this day. I ban D&Dbeyond from my games. I encourage everyone to use 5e.tools (if they must play 5e).

  • In Exodus, Moses asked to see God’s face, and was not allowed to. God told him he would allow Moses to see his “back” instead. When I was a boy at Yeshiva, the prevailing wisdom was that God showed Moses the back of his neck, and his Tefilin knot. The Tefilin contains passages relating the Shema, and my Rabbis connected it back to how God has a devotion of his own to Israel in his tefilin (which this source also does).

    The tefilin is a rite only permitted for men to practice, so I guess that’s ones thing for this meme. But the word used for back, אֲחֹרָ֑י, is more accurately translated as “butt.” Now why would God need a butt?

    This is old Testament by the way. The J source for those who care, who often portrays God as a little earthier than the others.

  • I stuck with Babish through his expensive weird era because I still felt like I was learning something about cooking, even if i couldnt make his three day Troy pizza casserole or whatever. I still felt like I was becoming a better cook. Recently he switched up his editing style to less voice over, hands only content and more click baity listacles, and more videos where hes messing around in the kitchen. I liked watching the hands only stuff because I could see what he doing, and there wasnt any emphasis on his face, so there less emphasis on his personality, and therefore I felt a little less intimidated as far as trying it myself. The voice overs were also really concise. The end result was also really light weight, and felt like a recipe that didn’t have all the SEO “my grandma taught me how to make this cake before she died” garbage.

    Alvin is still making videos in the classic “Babish” style on the Babish channel, and I still watch the vids Andrew puts out in that style, but if i can see his face, I wont even click on the video.

  • Dark Knight. Heath Ledger’s Career defining performance can’t save this tortuously paced, boring, dreary, washed out slog of a war on terror metaphor. I hate Christopher Nolan, all of his movies are like this.

    The star wars prequels get a lot of hate, but honestly, all of the cracks were beginning to show in Return of the Jedi. 4 and 5 are indisputably good movies, and part of the cinematic canon. Jedi has a lot of small things wrong with it… and also Leah is Luke’s sister randomly. This is a Lucasism, and as the people who were capable of standing up to Lucas fell away, and were replaced by people who grew up in star wars. Everything that makes the OT good is present in the prequels, and everything that makes the Prequels… contentious is present in Jedi. For the record, I like the prequels but I think they are flawed in really interesting ways.

    Jedi is even in quality with all the prequels and sequels that came after, but has a better rep than it deserves because it stands next to the first (best) two.

  • Brutticus@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I don’t know. I had to do a 3 month boot camp run through a local community college, and that included 36 hours of clinicals on an ambulance. There were daily tests, training on all the equipment, and batteries of tests finals that we had to pass. My favorite was we had to have a 80 in the course to qualify for the finals, but anything less than a 70 on any of the tests would disqualify you from taking registry, even if you had an 100 percent aside from that. That was for EMT Basic, the lowest levels of licensure. It’s a two year degree to become a paramedic (and I think thats like 200 hours of clincals, or something). And once I was in, there were 12 hours of CEs required for licensure (the company offered trainings), and I did have a written and practical test to take with the ambulance before they let me code, with a probationary period (mine was a few months, they really didn’t like me, looking back because I’m Jewish.)

    I won’t go to bat for the industry very often. I was making minimum wage, I was working 60 hour weeks. The culture has a problem with boot licking and racism, work life balance, and catty bullshit. I never left like management had my back, and people gossip. And that’s before you get to the insane nature of the work, and the constant death and crisis around you. I worked nights; nothing was open, and there was never any time to eat, so we opted for handheld, easily available garbage from convenience stores. And of course, I never saw my family.

    But even though registry can’t prepare you for the road, I would never have claimed I wasn’t properly trained.

  • ConservativesofTikTok hehe.

    Okay first thing: there is no mainstream left in US politics. AOC and Bernie taper off at a hair left of center. I don’t even dislike them. And normally that would be fine, but the right does include flamboyant, very loud fascists. So the right has no counter weight, and what there is are Centrist Libs, who long for days of “reaching across the isle”, and “order,” and “civility” While people talk about Fascists projecting, the Libs are too; they think everyone approaches politics in good faith. They don’t realize the fascist uses their invitation to get in, and civility as a mask to play the game. The fascist uses any means they can to gain power, and then disposes of the libs when they don’t need them anymore. The libs are left, like Eddard Stark holding a piece of paper, with their dicks in the breeze.

    This last piece of this is that there is an aspect of the left that matches what you say, the so called “dirt bag left,” streamers like Vaush and Hassan Abi, and Chapo Trap House. They are in fact quite controversy prone, and I don’t think they are good people, but I think they do match the general vibe of your statement.