So I have this theory that Elon has only ever experienced love once in his entire life. Think about it; who does he interact with? His parents, other CEOs, VC types, servants. They all want something from him. He has the most powerful people in the world (and a whole subclass of weird guy) in line to sack ride him. That must just seem like how the world is supposed to be. And then he starts dating Grimes, who is a relatively normal person, who shows him real genuine love.
And then they break up in a real, genuine, and actually pretty normal way, and Musk is in no way emotionally prepared for it, like a teenager. So he gets mad at everything she taught him, at everything they shared, at everything he was when he was with her. But most interestingly, he can’t buy the thing she gave him, so he’s been trying to convince himself it was an illusion that never existed in the first place.
Everyone is right; its an easy way to equate “deviancy” and to deny people rights. Its not just LGBT+; whenever nazis want to make a group of people a target, they accuse them of being “rapists” or “pedophiles.” The OG Nazis accused the Jews of wanting to molest Aryan women. Just look at Birth of a Nation. Or Trumps comments about Mexicans being rapists. It is also just generalized dehumanizing language.
But also: there is power in redefining “pedophilia.” It lets them attack LGBT+ by calling them “groomers” but then involve the services of inspectors who exist to… “verify” genitalia? It allows them to bring back child marriage or protect powerful clergy or rich assholes like Epstien, while attacking gay marriage. Libertarians attack the age of consent and want to bring back child labor. Everything becomes pedophilia except actual pedophilia. The real question becomes, why, when one has enough money or institutional power to do anything, like go to space or buy a senator to protect your wealth systemically, why does become extremely interested in fucking children?