Refried beans, rice, sirachcha, and too much mayo. Sometimes I eat it with bread like a sad sack sandwich.
Refried beans, rice, sirachcha, and too much mayo. Sometimes I eat it with bread like a sad sack sandwich.
Wait…the blue guy has a nose?
That’s not even a swastika it’s a 45. It just really feels like it’s a swastika when you see the fanta fascist.
So similar stuff has happened throughout history with the coming of more advanced technology. There use to be entire rooms of secretaries in order to do clerical work that has been replaced by Microsoft Office Suite. Their replacement by technology did not cause a total collapse of society so I don’t see why this would?
It might make the world worse and drive down the standard of living for many but a total upheaval? If humans made it through the industrial age we’ll likely make it through the second technology age too. We won’t be unscathed but mankind survived the invention of the computer which was probably equally (or maybe more) disruptive.
but communities know each other and are less likely to see different constituent groups as “outsiders”
Tell that to every gay kid who grew up in a small rural Christian town…
form their own peacekeepers
So you expect every marginalized group to have their own personal cops? What about cross-sectional minorities. I don’t know how this works in your head but whatever you’re trying to say here is not translating well.
Your gut reaction being to go immediately to 100 miles an hour is probably the ADHD. Most of us hyperfixate really easily and jump into things with both feet. That said, in my personal experience, we also tend to hyperfixate on hobbies in a certain “category”. If your a sports person, or hiking person, or craft person, or theater person you’ll regularly hyperfixate on things that surround your “main” interests. (Sometimes we also go wildly off script but most ADHDers I know eventually circle back to their core interests.)
That said it’d be smart to get a basic understanding of camping in first because you can use it as a springboard for future hyperfixations. This was you’ll have the basic knowledge and equipment when your focus changes to ultra light, or extreme conditions, or rafting to camp spots. Etc. There is no escaping the dopamine hyperfixation train so you just have to learn systems that help you do it with minimal negative consequences.
Isn’t there literally a German fairy tale about someone able to make straw into gold?
Does it technically even need dirt? It looks like there’s some loose debris in there and plenty of plants can be grown hydroponically.
I’ve had one that used baked beans in place of the pork. It was delicious. From the examples I’ve seen the cup started from food trucks where it was more convenient to had out a cup than a plate. Now restaurants are picking up the cup thing cause it’s a “trend”.
Beer brewing was originally a field dominated by women.
The presitege associated with a position can also change the expected gender. Women traditionally cooked meals at home but “Chefs” are predominately male, especially famous or celebrated Chefs.
If their issue is with latching then a bottles not gonna change that
Some babies have to be taught to nurse…
It looks like he has chrome pinned to his task bar in the bottom left.
The name of the rose. The movies…fine, I guess. The books at least 300 pages too long and frequently segues into long-winded discussion of the political minutiae of the warring monastic orders during the reign of Pope John XXII.
If you want to read about the time period you’ll be annoyed by the murder mystery shoehorned into your dry long winded historical fiction. If you wanted a murder mystery set in a historical setting then you’ll be annoyed by the history lesson being shoved down your throat like a dehydrated fig newton.
Also as someone subscribed to both, the games are way cheaper. So it makes sense that more people can afford a continuous gaming subscription through them.
I don’t think they’re implying that he is wearing those, it’s just a reference photo for anyone who doesn’t know what spatz are.
What the hell does he consider them then? Bards? They’re politicians at least one of them had to be a rogue.
I use to bring these on hikes and field exercises. It does have a lot of sodium but if you want something cheap, light weight, and on the calorie heavy side dry Ramen is great!
Seriously the number of people on here complaining about Windows bloat. I’m not even 100% sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean. I’m a normie and my windows runs fine.