This might be the very first time anyone has ever typed “pixel art gorilla sperm”. I mean unless you’ve told the story before.
This might be the very first time anyone has ever typed “pixel art gorilla sperm”. I mean unless you’ve told the story before.
Is retard a bait/dog whistle word?
The dumbest person in stereotypical movies is always the one easily distracted by pretty, shiny things.
The animal crossing thumbnail alone gave me a little boost. But I’m sure I’ll just scroll on to yet another article about *****
This one sounds more like the “real man” propaganda.
A real man behaves a certain way and can only wear certain clothes and do certain jobs and is respected by women.
I’m ready for another Cyberpunk
Pitch meeting, IMDb trivia, reddit, hishe
It depends on whether TikTok has revitalized them. Also Cash was really popular for a minute with the teenagers when the movie came out.
That’s not fair. There was time now…
Most, nearly all games will have unique saves for each user. My son sometimes goes into a game, his save isn’t there, and realizes he needs to switch users.
When we all play a game together, we typically use my account as the “main” account, unless that game is particularly important to one of the kids.
We make all purchases through the main account as well just for consistency. The purchase is tied to the account. When we upgraded to PS5 from PS4, all of the games were accessible from the account.
There are console hackers?? Ugh.
I’m sad I stopped playing. By far the chillest way to unwind after work.
“The whole map is covered in snow… So we went up to Ambarino” kidding, yeah the snow is the absolute best. I’m gonna have to log in this week now.
I do appreciate the idea of having some note you create to go with why you saved something. I’ve definitely saved stuff and forgotten why
Every teacher has their own list of “absolutely never” names for future offspring. The amount of overlap is surprising
Hey, my dad only gave me a small million dollar loan and I did alright.
Our annual evaluation is a scale of 1 to 4 for a variety of categories. We’re supposed to show growth on the scales each year.
For 15 years, I’ve started each year at 3 and grown to a 4 so the boss can tell their boss that they’re helping us grow. I could just start at a 4, but I wouldhave to provide justification for each 4 and that’s not a good use of my time. Which I guess I could use to justify getting a 4 on time management.
Give government people credit. They’re smarter than you think. Money that’s “oops” wasted went exactly where they intended