How many optional organs does this poor guy have?
How many optional organs does this poor guy have?
I have no idea, but I really hope some genius on Lemmy creates a simulation of this fight so we can all have a great time watching it.
Might be that whatever subconscious processing that happened overnight is bubbling up. The mind, consciousness, and memory are all still mysterious. The more neuroscience learns about the brain, the weirder it seems to function.
Come on Lemmy, look at the name of the Community and stop downvoting honest questions, FFS. I don’t know about or care about TSwift and her billions, but there’s nothing wrong with the question that the OP posted.
I vote Democrat, but they’ve always been political pussies and policy wonks. The Republicans are macho meatheads. Unfortunately the latter’s optics tend to play better with our unsophisticated population, most of which couldn’t pass a basic civics test.
Yup. I’ve installed and re-installed Windows more times than I care to count, and this is basically my method when dealing with new PCs with bundleware. It’s not like the bad old days. The provided uninstallers work just fine as long as the PC is from a reputable source.
Hunting seals and whales in some cases, as in Alaska.
Go away, robut!
Many times you can compact that stuff down with minimal effort. Just use the bag or whatever you’re throwing away so that you aren’t touching the other garbage with your hand.
Yes. Was at a holiday party having an engaging and funny conversation with some of my coworkers and an asshole manager just had to walk up and take photos of us “having fun at the office party”. Completely killed the nice vibe we had going.
I’m the War on Christmas guy, and I’m getting my ass handed to me every single year.
GRRM was trolling all along.
At my office people tend to go way overboard with the number of CCs. I understand the need for communication and coordination on some things. But so much of it is just unnecessary-reflexive CYA and dilution of responsibility.
Horrible Bosses
I use BCC semi-frequently at work because it prevents all kinds of (mostly unintentional) annoyances from my coworkers. Mostly with automated emails related to reports and/or our case management system. BCC is your best friend when used selectively.
I’m going to need a six-pack, please.
The authorities will try to notify someone in the immediate family (often the spouse). After that, if you are in their estate, the trustee should make a good faith effort to contact you. Beyond that, it’s normally just friends and family contacting each other.
Back in the days when printed newspapers were common, some folks would check the obituaries regularly.
You could create a Google alert. If the stupid thing actually works, you should get an email when their obituary gets posted somewhere.
Poor bastard was waiting for Windows update to finish.
We can’t see his feet, but there’s a 99% chance he’s wearing a pair of filthy sandals with way too many miles on them.
I’ve worked at a lot of different places and in my experience it varies a lot.
Some bosses cut everybody slack. Some bosses are jerks and cut nobody any slack. I would say most of them play favorites with their employees (some are blatant about it, some are more subtle). Some bosses cut the workers with kids more slack. Some bosses cut the workers with kids less slack.
Anecdotal evidence is like that. It’s emotionally compelling, but doesn’t really tell us what’s going on in the bigger picture.