So are you saying that having a large workforce isn’t key to keeping the rich rich? Because if you ask me losing 7 billion people would be a fairly large cutback in the workforce
So are you saying that having a large workforce isn’t key to keeping the rich rich? Because if you ask me losing 7 billion people would be a fairly large cutback in the workforce
Odds are that there are dozens of people way cooler than me who would benefit from the work that I can do in preparation for them.
Also, eternal life, like immortality in the annals of human history, is only something I can hope for. Making other people’s lives better is the only way I know for sure I can make a mark in the world.
As Bo Burnham puts it, “You pray so badly for heaven knowing any day could be the day that you die, but maybe life on Earth can be heaven. Doesn’t just the thought of it make it worth a try?”
This is probably not at all what this person is like, but the way I read this made me picture someone desperate to prove that they’re cool and hip by being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I have never heard of anyone like this, though I have heard of someone very European claiming to be native American for the street cred so I wouldn’t say no one would ever do the same with sexuality.
“Now I need a fake ID to rent ultra-porn!”
I apologize because I did not mean to make any sort of personal attack. If it came across that way that is entirely my fault.
If I can clarify in hopefully neutral terms, what I meant to say is that believing with certainty that 7 billion people are facing violent death within a generation or two cannot be good for anyone’s mental state and that sort of doom weighing on a mind will likely cause it many problems. It was not intended to be an attack on you, mainly an observation on the idea from my very limited point of view.
Walking is probably the best way to get to know a neighborhood or city or town.
It fucking sucks that so many streets are designed to put pedestrians in danger
I don’t see how you can possibly be certain about this. The push to fight abortion rights and the constant bitching about how people aren’t having enough babies to maintain the workforce undermines this theory.
Unless you’re completely convinced that this is the future and the reason for it, I’d strongly suggest against stating it so certainly on the internet. Asking a question about it or stating it as a possibility given certain factors makes sense, but the way you said this can’t be good for your mental health, or the mental health of the people who read it.
If the point of this one is to emphasize how no one lives your life except for you, that’s great and all but holy shit there are less depressing ways of getting that across.
Humanity is a social animal. If you live your life under the guidance that loneliness is omnipresent and companionship is merely an illusion I strongly urge you to rethink the way you go about your days. Find people to talk to in person and do things with them.
I think capitalism and the ruling class has desperately tried to convince everyone that they are alone because if the working class sees themself as one body the ruling class is fucked
I’d argue modern letters to the Christians are everywhere, but it doesn’t matter. Even if Paul were currently alive and nearing 2000 years old people would find a reason to ignore him because what they believe in is definitively not Christianity.
Ah, but you see people in the 1920’s had to fight for their immune defense to polio the old fashioned way. People in the 2020’s were handed theirs on a silver syringe and are, therefore, wussies
How am I supposed to enjoy that?
I believe you can configure it to record the desktop as well
The good answer is to create some kind of perpetual motion machine.
The cool answer is to create some kind of roller coaster that just keeps going and going
The fun answer is to create some chaos. Put one behind a door or something and the other in some unexpected place.
How thick are the plates? Are they bendable? What happens if you bend one of the portals? What happens if an object goes through a bent portal?
In the Valve-developed Sixense Razer Hydra expansion, you could smoothly glide a portal along a wall. Not sure if that makes much of a difference.
Username checks out lol
Brainrot is a very unique kind of joke. To old people, it’s funny because “haha kids are stupid.” To middle-aged people, it’s funny because it sounds like a meme and that on its own makes it funny. To young adults, it’s funny because it’s an ironic meta joke that’s funny just because it’s supposed to be funny even though it really isn’t funny. To teenagers, it’s funny because “haha old people are stupid because “haha kids are stupid” so let’s play a prank on old people to make them think we’re stupid.” To kids, it’s funny because it’s funny to teenagers.
So I dunno take your pick. Also marketing and sales people can be notoriously up their own ass and out of touch (see the Wendy’s “memer” commercial) so who knows why they do things
Who is your favorite superhero and what’s your favorite flaw of theirs?