One guy completed it, so it was just perfect
One guy completed it, so it was just perfect
Because it’s mildly infuriating?
You can’t even mount a counterargument to nazi ideology without knowing what it actually is.
The point of these translations is to make people do some actual thinking.
In Skull and Bones they couldn’t even replicate the experience from their own previous IP, and then advertised is as AAAA game. It’s a disgrace - they deserve to burn.
It’s illegal migrants cleansing party. Never saw anything about ethnic in their claims
handing social welfare to poor and disabled, etc
The fact that you implement some policies that are socialist in nature, doesn’t mean that whole system you’re running is socialism. Especially considering that all these states run capitalistic economies at their core
Well, woudn’t be the first time words get new meaning due to events in history.
Thing is, socialism as a system has surprisingly almost no strict definition. The best I’ve ever found is “Democratization of access to means of production” or “State control of means of production”
By these definitions Polish socialism with its centrally planed economy was an actual socialism.
Because it appeals to misguided people who have no idea what shit show it was.
Seriously, in Polish Sejm there’s currently no party with “Socialism” in the name. That brand doesn’t sell here
In reality the model you described earlier runs in majority of European countries - state run health care + state run or at least state controlled critical infrastructure + some welfare for poor - all of this financed by taxes collected from capitalist economy.
By all possible definitions it’s a welfare state
Most of civilized world outside of US works like that.
You seem to confuse free education and healthcare, government control of essential resources (water, electricity) and government taking case of the poor and disabled to some authoritarian communist shitshow behind the iron curtain.
You’re mistaking socialism for welfare state. Socialism IS the authoritarian shitshow behind iron curtain
Yeah, my parents and grandparents lived through socialism in Poland. Heard enough from them to not have any delusions about it.
Socialism, communism, fascism, nazism - it’s all the same shit, the only difference is just the idological mumbo-jumbo on the surface level
Gasoline, and if that doesn’t work - Acetone
/b/ has no moderation other than removal of child abuse and other illegal stuff. There are no rules on that board
And lets be honest, when people say 4chan, they mean either /b/ or /pol/
I think that might be the reason why admin forced loose moderation policy on everyone recently.
I’ve seen what unmoderated platforms look like
They look like 4chan
“you have freedom to agree with us” - communists
Necktie - it fits the hat
Wow, why the change of policy now of all times?
Right, radical communists are free to roam the reddit as they please
Every radical (or at least perceived as radical) sub ends up like this.
I don’t think the stock drop was about R1 hype. I think it was about parent company circumventing NVIDIA CUDA and building AI software in GPU machine code directly. Licensing GPU drivers for cloud services is a major income source that has been threatened