Their fecal matter can also give you incurable brain parasites
Their fecal matter can also give you incurable brain parasites
That’s really awesome of you. Thank you for being an amazing person
I like your style
Every day?
None for me, thanks
I’ve been trying to ignore this image, but now all I can think of is The League and how he has MLA (Mouth Like Anus)
Easter is pretty great. We dress up in fun or scary costumes and go around asking for candy
I can only picture blue jean eggs now
Oh absolutely! I haven’t been able to watch for months and decided to jump into Junior, so it is fresh on the mind
If you don’t get the reference go watch Taskmaster on YouTube (or your preferred front-end)! If you do get the reference, I didn’t get yours. My partner and I just started watching Junior and it is hilarious. These kids hate being told “all the information is on the task”
All the information is on the task
“This train doesn’t belong to you. So why don’t you turn around and face me, pumpkin?”
Pierce: “This train was commandeered legally under the—”
“Holy nutballs! What happened to your frickin’ face?!”
“Oh yeah? How about this - lady? - I don’t even know what to call you: you tell me why you look like you headbutted a belt sander, and I’ll let all of you go right now.”
-Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)
I had a chance to play it! I enjoyed
taking all the donuts
I do want to mention I had to turn on vsync through the Nvidia Control Panel. I have no choice but to play on a TV, and the screen tearing is awful on every game
If I wasn’t already partnered this list would bother me
Awesome, thanks for the info and heads up
I don’t mean to hijack the thread, but I don’t want to start a new one for a related question. I understand I will probably have to wipe or partition my primary drive, but will I be able to use my other drives as-is, and have access to all of my files and things?
I got scared for a second, I love Sunshine. I don’t think I will have much need for it in my current situation unfortunately
Is dual booting as simple as loading the Windows OS off of a drive in the BIOS?
You should overcomplicate this. That solid chunk of chocolate at the bottom is the best part. If I’m being honest, I think a choco taco is just a drumstick in taco form
Fantastic. I hope you enjoy it