Yeah that’s a better way to put it, everything that followed took that same path
Yeah that’s a better way to put it, everything that followed took that same path
Well you are right but I’m talking about the style and feel that one of those earlier pivot resident evils created. It plays the same as gears of war and all other cover shooters that followed. Sure third person existed but everything today plays in a way that series established.
People always forget that resident evil 4(? There is a million of them) made third person shooters mainstream.
How in the hell have you not played a paradox game. Grab ck2 and go nuts. Stellaris might be what you want tho.
There is implications in the film that we started colonizing the bugs territory and initating conflict. We caused the war. The bugs were just defending themselves. While we sent massive ships after their planets.
Yeah it was the early days of that kinda thing, went from a c-d student to an A student right away. Should’ve been working that way the whole time for me.
I had a teacher like this senior year, finally one time when she made me stand outside I just went out to the parking lot and drove away and never went back to that school. Switched to a virtual program and passed that way.
The guy that claimed it later proved it wasn’t true and has spent the rest of his life yelling about how he was wrong. With way too many people not listening. Wolves just exist in social groups.
That hierarchy thing was proven to be bullshit ages ago
Bro aspartame is one of the most studied substances on earth and they all point to your claim being bullshit.