I strongly disagree… We just have higher standards regarding power wires. Since we have more voltage running through the wires we need tougher ones, but that is what regulation is for
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I strongly disagree… We just have higher standards regarding power wires. Since we have more voltage running through the wires we need tougher ones, but that is what regulation is for
I mean it is hard to find out if they are the exact same, since power strips often don’t specify it, but from handling both I’d say they are pretty much the same…
I think it is partly a US specific problem as the quality of the extension cords really suck. Meanwhile in Eurpoe (or at least in Germany) the extension cords actually use the same wire grade as your in wall wires, so there is a basically no difference in using daisy chained extension cords versus different wall outlets (as long as the outlets are in the same curcuit)
Wow ok 😁 I would need mods to get this many hours in minecraft nowadays
That is a lot in under 2 years 😅 Are you playing a modpack? And if so, which one?
I have no concrete numbers, but 1000s of hours in Minecraft and League Of Legends and about 1000h in Valorant
very nice. I will give it a try as well (after the holidays though)
I don’t really understand the readme. Is the creation done in a cli or in the jellyfin UI?
I was missing this feature in jellyfin and this would be really great (I switched from plex which has it and I used it a lot 😅)
Bought a T-Shirt and 2 dice sets directly after watching the NZXT video 😇
I just love the headline with the little undertitle 😁
I had the exact same problem and the solution was to ask my ISP who then either just gave me a public IP (Vodafone) or asked for money so my network could be reached from the outside (Primerocom). So check whether there is an option with you ISP to get a “public” IP.
aus Erfahrung kann ich sagen dass sich auf den Namen der Software zu stützen auch nicht ideal ist. Zum Beispiel gibts ja jetzt ein Haufen mbin Instanzen die kbin im Namen haben… Lemming.eu würde ich euch also nicht empfehlen Glaube mein Favorit wäre dach.zone
I am a dev and I do not support telemetry
Its exactly this kind of bullshit that firefox should not do…
I decided to upgrade, and so far everything is working fine. I had some hiccups after the installation, but a reboot fixed all of them. Thanks for your input :)
Nice though. Sounds like I can do the upgrade 😁
very nice
nvidia RTX 2070 super. But that was from 38 to 39. I am not on 40 yet
That doesn’t sound promising, though I am using Gnome, so at least my DE is not getting the biggest upgrade :)
Its higher voltage,but yes It does. However the higher standards take care of that, so you don’t have too weak power cables available