You seem as confused as your username
You seem as confused as your username
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I have a cat named Beans, here ya go:
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That was a good laugh, thanks
People are religiously and/or ethnically Jewish. Republicans are a political party (are you implying being a Republican is a religion or an ethnic group??) Seeing Jewish people as greedy is a stereotype based on racism. Republicans vote for policies and platforms that are bigoted. This is crazy that you think these two things are the same, or are even comparable at all.
My partner passes as a straight cis white dude and works in finance and you are right, within the first interaction of meeting a bigot they will open their mouths and out themselves. And the worst part is, they nearly always phrase it as an in-joke, or an in-thing, like they are figuratively ‘wink wink nudge nudging’ him and it drives him fucking crazy that they just assume he’s one of them and will nod or laugh along. Instead, he pulls a reverse uno and shames them, very politely, for various super neutral reasons: like not being professional and staying on topic, or for being a hr violation, etc. He’s found the less progressive, more business-neutral language really fucks them up, they get super embarrassed
Some republicans think they are good people. There, fixed it for ya
Looks like the creature with the atom brain would make an easy last minute halloween costume. You’d need to have a suit, a sharpie, and some twine