Libertarian as in anarchist or libertarian as in “the age of consent should be lower”?
Libertarian as in anarchist or libertarian as in “the age of consent should be lower”?
I’ll do it for free. Just going it for the love of the game
Is there an alternative comprehensive guide you would recommend? I’ve been wanting to get into self hosting for ages and I’ve wanted something like this to help me through the process. A lot of the criticism in this thread means absolutely nothing to me because I have no idea what any of it means
“two scoops of this shit” hit deep. I think I’ll start using that when describing my struggles with ADHD
Haha I hate my wife!
Motherfucker looks like bukowski
If you’re a first responder or service member you get 50% off 2+ lines with T-Mobile. Even retired for service. I’m an EMT but they only check if your license is current. If this applies to you, you could just keep your license up to date even if you’re retired.
You can’t just say perchance
It’s what the Renaissance men would’ve wanted
Wikipedia says the term analingus was coined in the late 19th century and my cursory glance at google showed that there were explicit references to eating ass in early modern texts (~1500s). So tongue punching the fart box is at least as old as the Renaissance. Take the precautions you would normally take for butt stuff (disease free, recently bathed, haven’t pooped or eaten in 3+ hours, an enema if you’re fancy) and you should be just fine. Eating ass is fun and I will die on this hill
Nail on the head. Its a bullshit solution for bullshit work at our bullshit jobs
Plant estrogens, especially in the instance of soy, have been overwhelmingly shown to have no effects on our endocrine system. If growing breasts were as easy as eating tofu, a lot of transfem people would’ve been doing that over prescription meds
My suspicion is that your stopper isn’t sealing well, possibly from wear or just odd positioning. If you feel like ruining what’s left of that Jim beam in the decanter you can run a little experiment. Clear the condensation out of the decanter and mark the current level. Leave it for a week and see if the level dropped to establish a baseline. After marking the change, coat the stopper in Vaseline and leave it for another week. See if that helped or not. If it helped then you’ve got a leak
You put the goat in the boat, huck the cabbage at the bear/wolf/worm, grab a slice of man cake, and cross the river
“word your comments better”
– the guy using slurs
Wish I could be of more help. I’ve had two different types of generic instant release and they both tasted lightly sweet and went down with 0 issues . Maybe I got lucky haha. Idk if name brand or generic makes much of a difference price-wise for you but you could always try parachuting your pills (without crushing them obv) to put a barrier between your tongue and the pill
Don’t be fooled, they put a sugar coating around the OTC stuff. Instant release Adderall on the other hand… that shit tastes pretty good
I use it when I’m trying to ease people into what anarchism actually means. Also gives me an excuse to shit on right “libertarians” lol