Public education in US… Thanks for the correction.
Regardless… Mormons, JWs and Seventh Day Adventists get away with being Christian, so yah, I think you can get away with calling yourself a Christian and believing whatever you want.
Public education in US… Thanks for the correction.
Regardless… Mormons, JWs and Seventh Day Adventists get away with being Christian, so yah, I think you can get away with calling yourself a Christian and believing whatever you want.
But that’s literally the second thing to happen in the protestant reformation. King Henry saw that Martin Luther guy and said “shit if he doesn’t have to listen to the Pope, I don’t either. Let’s strait up rewrite the Bible motherfucker!” So that the parts he didn’t like didn’t apply. Are you gonna say anglicans aren’t Christian?
You go ahead and do that. Worth noting that Islam doesn’t have a protestant reformation thats come in to say “f this the rules are whatever I want them to be personally,” so it’s basically still in its Catholic hegemony phase.
That feels a lot like your personal interpretation. You do not get to decide how people who call themselves Christian define themselves.
Fables are worth listening to for the morals they include. Why wouldn’t an ancient holy book be a moralistic guide to show the way to heaven, whatever that is which is not defined in scripture
My parents weren’t executed horribly, what are you talking about about? I’m still talking about contemporary Christian belief. Thesis: You can consider yourself Christian without belief in Jesus as a historical figure. Many Christians are happy to understand Jesus as metaphors and an ideal. Like if you took the actually good Superman stories and removed all the context, you could idealize the individual to the point of worship without believing he’s real.
Comfort and well-being, or so they believe… for some reason. Personally I like knowing I only get one shot
The context within which you are raised matters so much more than what’s written in your chosen scripture. That and self interest. Between those two, pretty much anyone can wrangle themselves into believing anything they want. The history of how we got here from there is similarly irrelevant.
It really isn’t so clearcut. You don’t need an actual Jesus for the words attributed to him to be true. “Jesus” works perfectly fine as a container for an idea.
Frankly, I have no primary evidence of your existence. I could be arguing with a bot right now and it wouldn’t be unbelievable. Primary evidence is a motherfucker, the guy we are talking about was probably illiterate, talking to more people who were illiterate, what kind of primary evidence could there be? Even if we had a body, could we really point to it and say with any real confidence that it was Jesus or just some other person that was crucified?
Honestly ask yourself, what would you accept as primary evidence?
Ehhhhhh, you probably aren’t trying to be technical, but it’s worth noting that circumstancial evidence is definitely a thing; is evidence that suggests but doesn’t definitively state. As mentioned in this tread, Nero calls out pilate for executing Jesus. There’s also the often overlooked circumstancial evidence that there’s a whole ass religion to the guy, which sure there are other religions etc etc, but most of them don’t have a semi Devine being that you can point to specific dates and times…
I will continue on, I’m an atheist, so I’m not arguing for Christianity, so here’s obligatory circumstancial evidence against historical J.
Wasn’t a census when he was supposed to be born. No written accounts of Herod executing every baby boy in Judea. Etc etc lmgtfy if you need it
The fuck you talking about.
The complaint is “phones don’t have headphones jacks”
Presuming I was on your side,
Just insert this adapter into the 3.5mm jack and it will be blocked for you. It’ll no longer be wasted space because this adapter is a useful place to store several grains of rice for a snack.
Homie, you got rice storage with the old jacks. An adapter doesn’t introduce this problem.
Unfortunately you do lose a feature as a result of using this adapter, it will stop one of the speakers from working and degrade your audio quality.
Homie, this is how headphones work. You plug them in and the speakers stop working. If your audio quality is dropping something is wrong.
But you shouldn’t complain about anything removing a feature, or degrading your audio quality. You’ve got a new feature of being able to store rice!
Homie, again the data jack on USB C is more than fast enough to push FLAC through. If you’re losing quality it’s not the architecture.
You can even buy special fairphone sustainable rice from us. With only a small 300% mark up but an incredible 80% of the sustainability of already available rice. It comes in green!
This is you projecting. While this is on an article about fair phone, I’m only here to inform you that your nonsense complaint about 3.5 mm jacks is silly. It is valid, sure, but fucking silly anyways.
Disagree. The 3.5 mm jack that takes up space in my pocket that is unused 100% of the time is the inconvenience. You want a jack. You can have one. You get to have the inconvenience that goes along with it.
Problem solving: 2 in 1 Samsung USB Type C to 3.5mm Headphone and Charger Adapter for Galaxy S23/S22/S21/S24,60W PD USB C to Aux Audio Jack Dongle Cable Android Phone Fast Charging Cord for iPhone 15,Google Pixel 8/7a https://a.co/d/6dewjjB
JFC y’all are dumb. Just get a goddamn splitter. It’s not “privilege” that you get to keep using lead paint in your house, when you can do the same thing without the drawbacks or the lead.
Seriously, people act like there aren’t solutions to that “problem” that aren’t basically identically inconvenient to how it was before you needed an inline usb c to 3.5 mm adapter.
To preempt those that are gonna say “the adapter is inconvenient…,” no, the 3.5 mm jack that takes up space in my pocket that is unused 100% of the time is the inconvenience. You want a jack. You can have one. You get to have the inconvenience that goes along with it.
The mouth harp is legit annoying.
Homie can scream like nobody’s business, but that’s what you’re gonna get.
My path went from Gojira, to Mastodon, David Maxim Micic, and Rivers of Nihil (check out where owns know my name).
If Metal metal isnt really your thing, check out Leprous. Malina and Pitfalls both kick ass and are about as far from metal where you still get some recognizable tropes.
This is a really solid writeup. L’Enfant Sauvage is a banger front to back. Of particular note for me are Explosia, L’enfant Sauvage, and Gift of Guilt.
Magma feels really good too. Silvera and Stranded are the standard picks, but Magma and Low Lands are worth checking.
Fortitude… Born for One Thing starts it off nicely, but Amazonia just bugs the shit out of me to the point that everything that follows sounds bad. I have listened once with that song blocked, and I enjoyed it much more, but not enough to give more info.
Dwarf Fortress
I think we are going to have to agree to disagree. You acknowledge that the Catholics don’t have control over what is and isn’t Christian, and that there are secta they’d deem as heretics at best or apostates at worst. That said there are many protestant denominations that won’t. There are wildly different interpretations of the Bible, WBC for example says a bunch of things that most Christians would consider unchristian, but the same holy texts, are used as source material.
Similarly, the belief in things like miracles, transubstantiation, literally of the Bible, the invention of the bodily rapture… Oh hey, and the trinity, let’s not forget about the monophosotes (sure they haven’t really been around for like a thousand years but…) What about the coptics? Are they not Christian cause their books are different?