I wish they had come armed. I wish Jan 6 happened to Bush. So many children’s lives could have been spared across the years and borders.
I wish they had come armed. I wish Jan 6 happened to Bush. So many children’s lives could have been spared across the years and borders.
I played launch version which had it. I didn’t unlock all perks this time around. There really isn’t a major diff between launch and current when it comes to the things discussed in my post except for the insane number of bugs removed.
I agree with you about BoTW. I played the whole thing. It is actually overrated. Maybe I just needed to soace it out a bit since I played it a ton in college.
I think the “breath underwater” perk in a game with literally no missions where you need to touch water except one - where you have a divesuit anyways - is the best example of how shallow the game is.
What if we’re wrong and BlueSky just gets better? I mean, with some of the corporate trappings of old Twitter, but still user-friendly, big userbases, vibrant subcultures and banning troublemakers?
Uh… the most recent history involves Turkey using US-sold jets to bomb Kurds in northern Syria.
File under “It’s Okay When Israel Does It: Entry #6367821 (October 2024)”
Well… a country without “elites” and only farmers will very quickly find itself with a set of elites, from another country, who can organize their farmers to take and conquer others’ farmland.
Great question. See, a farmer can’t stay behind and command the state because he is a farmer. The heads of state and the elite cannot all perish in trenches because then all that would remain are farmers. Established heirarchy for organizational power was invented probably by whatever primates we evolved from, and is observed among even some other species of primate.
It’s called the division of labor. You can’t have the guy in charge of running things get turned into Beefaroni in a foxhole.
Terrorism straight up just means “violence but offensive to the particular sensitivities of the elite.” Always has. Go back to the Paris Commune and it’s the same shit.