When the lines that you see, make your eyes go funny That’s a morre
When the lines that you see, make your eyes go funny That’s a morre
Wait, I thought it was Mandala Effect?!?
I work indoors, and when I get done with work I often seek to get outside. I like to garden, hike, ride bikes, snow shoe, etc, basically anything that gets outside, and preferably out of the ‘built environment’. Weather impacts those plans, so yeah, I’m a weather nerd.
Baby signing is a really useful thing to have evolved from all this, as you are correct that young one’s can think in words much earlier than their vocal systems come on line. We’re such a weird species, to be born in such an under developed state, which development takes years, or a whole lifetime to complete. :-D
It’s true. My sign name is the letter J, for my first name, but one moves the little finger in a circle up by the side of the head, like “Crazy J.” That stuff gets used all the time, but is not always as obvious to non-signing people.
I was just listening to TWIV, and they discussed that there was no single symptom, nor set of symptoms that a clinician could use to rule in or rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection. Testing is key to differentiation between upper respiratory infections.
Most likely it was in TWIV 1178 (https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1178/), but might have been in 1179.
Meeses are helpful that way.
Aging and dysfunction are two separate things.
K, umm I mean 40 K.
So SCUBA for inside the house breathing while gaming, zoom meeting, etc. That’s totally doable.
LOL! Yes, one has to consider this. ZOMG your’s is the best comment!
sure, you can buff that out, no problem.
??? Are we in lemmy shitposting? No. What is this about? There is a very low, non-zero probability that I will ever eat any color/flavor JR. So I’m just curious in a ‘learning about the mysterious cultures around me’ sort of way. TY in advance.
There are numerous lead test kits available, depending on the material being tested. Try this:
By any chance are you Inuit? When Quinn the Eskimo gets here… https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/bobdylan/themightyquinnquinntheeskimo.html
Sigh, it’s cinnamon season. :-(
Buy it then do a lead test on it. Same for Turmeric, there’s a lead based yellow pigment that is added to make it look MOAR YELLOW. Buy it, test it, make note of where you got it for next time.
CHEESE is Christ!