yes they are, actually. Backwards compatibility is a huge thing in Windows, it’s why you can’t name files certain names such as CON, and why you can find things from 3.1 etc. still.
Hong Konger NYU student | he/him
yes they are, actually. Backwards compatibility is a huge thing in Windows, it’s why you can’t name files certain names such as CON, and why you can find things from 3.1 etc. still.
They also specifically addressed this in the first movie with that guy that turned on them and unplugged people.
Edit: “that guy” being Cypher, just checked the name
If you die you’re technically away from everyone.
For some reason, thought this was loss for a second
Fun fact from the same Wikipedia page: he actually picked the name Gay as a translation from Fröhlich, meaning “happy”
It’s more like “standing goose”
I’m currently in a course about the Roman Republic in college, so pretty much every other day.
Just be in a flying plane at the exact same speed and acceleration so that in your reference frame it becomes easy
If you could get a rubix cube or something at the airport, (which seems plausible) could be a lot of time spent on learning how to do it if you download instructions beforehand.
Still swearing though lol. Wasn’t that what got her fired lmfao
I read “brutish” as “british” on first glance