Regarding the comparison to World, what I have said in the past is that while Wilds does look better, it doesn’t look nearly enough better to justify just how much worse it performs.
Regarding the comparison to World, what I have said in the past is that while Wilds does look better, it doesn’t look nearly enough better to justify just how much worse it performs.
I genuinely consider both mods to be more faithful the the vanilla experience than some the actual features added in more recent updates.
The line I personally draw between Metroidvania and Zelda like is the ability to sequence break without glitches and a focus on platforming as the core of movement.
I’m going to have to go with either the Create mod or Apotheosis, both for Minecraft. Both of them feel like they could just be part of the vanilla game, and at this point it feels wrong and weird for me to play the game without them installed.
How do you think Tucker Carlson avoided getting sued off the air for as long as he did?
It might not be called aphantasia since it isn’t for sight, but yeah it exists, I have it for taste and smell.
Pathway is fun and I think counts as a Roguelite. If you also enjoy Rhythm games I would recommend Crypt of the NecroDancer. There’s also Peglin that is pretty good. Getting off the switch I want to recommend Noita, but that game is also kinda intense in terms of both brutal difficulty and just how much stuff there is the game puts out of the way. I will also second the other recommendations for Darkest Dungeon, Risk of Rain 2, and Enter the Gungeon.
Don’t be too excited, these are the same people that made Warcraft 3 reforged, that one remaster that made everything worse.
Florida allows felons to vote if the state the felony conviction occurred in allows felons to vote. New York allows felons to vote, thus Florida allows him to vote.
I mean, I would still file a complaint with whatever relevant government agency, worst that could happen is that things stay the same I figure.
In the US at least that is very much illegal, though I am going to guess this isn’t in the US.
I mean, that all sounds to me like a really good argument for preserving copies of every single version of every game. To go back to your Shakespeare example, it would be a massive loss if any of those adaptations were not preserved to be found by those who went looking, so all we had to go on was records of people talking about them. In fact, there are at least a few examples of exactly that: Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey are only parts of a much larger series which we only know exist because we have other records discussing it.
Yeah, just taking snapshots of everything isn’t going to let you perfectly recreate the culture surrounding a game at any point in time, but having those snapshots around is important for giving context to other records you have.
Technically that’s still on appeal, and tbh I do expect it to get overturned somewhere.
The game looks good, and I first heard about it because they are hiring a dedicated narrative designer.
Don’t forget https://capitalwasteland.com/
Hey hey, there are a bunch of completed indie porn games that are also really good. If you want some examples I can certainly provide.
Some absolutely do, some nominally don’t but don’t stop to think about the implications of what they say they want, and probably most think education is great. The term Christian refers to so many people that making any broad assertions is going to be wrong for large percentages of the group.
Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.
See, you say they can’t impeach someone who isn’t in office, I’m pretty sure they actually can but usually just don’t bother because there didn’t used to be much point.
I’ve always said if money can’t buy happiness then what’s the point in having it.