I think we can close this issue as completed
I can confirm this. I downloaded this meme on the 4th of July 2024.
According to TinEye it’s been around since at least early 2021 https://tineye.com/search/a84c356575501c518ea572dc7a81944bcef741cb?sort=crawl_date&order=asc&page=1
No one actually believes this.
Look, he was probably over-encumbered on the way to the chest and had to drop some loot.
Happens to the best of us.
Hey, as long as you don’t try to
not too fussed.
108cm is squarely within the range of dwarfism so, as a minority, I wouldn’t be surprised if the data the user is searching for is scarce or missing altogether.
Hence the result pictured.
That said, the person searching this could have just made a typo for 180cm, which is much more common.
Why am I analysing the meme? Who knows.
Is it true that is illegal in the US? It’s pretty normal in the UK.
Co-op video games say that’s the max number of friends you can have, so it must be true.
Yo! It’s a The Thing (1982) reference!
I came here to post the same thing.
The moon~
Turns out I did not… remember the time™️.
Cue a dance number of Thriller but it happens in a pyramid with mummies.
Of course, but OOP is typically about putting methods on classes, inheritance of behaviour etc.
JS Objects aren’t typically used that way, they tend to be used as pure data containers. At least, that’s how we mostly use them.
Occasionally, we’ll use objects to simplify passing multiple arguments including arrow functions, but I’d say that doesn’t really count unless the arrow function mutates the object it’s a part of.
I’ve worked on projects with 10 000+ lines of typescript and maybe 3 classes total.
… in the UK. And thank goodness.
I didn’t know Mullvad did a DNS service as well as a VPN, let alone that it has some ad blocking profiles. Thanks for that!
See it. Say it. Sorted.
I didn’t ask for this. 😭
Guessing this trend was inspired by the latest video by New Frame Plus