Hab ein WMF Besteckset in Galeria gesehen: €350 Bei WMF selbst: €229 Wundert mich dann nicht das Leute da nix kaufen.
Hab ein WMF Besteckset in Galeria gesehen: €350 Bei WMF selbst: €229 Wundert mich dann nicht das Leute da nix kaufen.
The shower head in the picture is a bit unusual because of the two screws on the right where you can adjust the head. If you loosen the one next to the wall the shower head tilts down and faces the wall (which is nice if warm water takes a while and you don’t like a cold shower) and with the other one you could make it spray the opposite wall. So it’s pretty versatile. (Or annoying if the screws can’t be tightened enough)
I’m curious. I’ve seen this exact type of shower (including the taps) only in Australia so far. Is it a common type in other countries too?
In short: it’s always like this, sometimes more, sometimes less. And guess what: it’s the main part of the job. As a developer you have to understand what the customer (your boss) needs (sometimes not what they say they want) and to figure out how to do that by yourself. It’s nice to have colleagues you can ask, but it’s like on stackoverflow. The accepted answer is not necessarily the right or good one. Often you have to work with bad documented legacy artifacts (code, api) and figure out what they do. Also the tech changes, you have to constantly keep up with changes and what was great years ago may now be outdated. My advice:
If you don’t like your working environment then change it. Especially when you think you can’t learn anything new there or it is no fun to work there. Go to meetings in your area (meetup or so) or online to meet other developers and ask them about their job. You get a feeling about what is considered a good job in your area. Good developers will always find a good job. Be one of them. As long as you think you’re a god who can code anything, that’s probably not the case. ;-) The best you can achieve is to be an expert in a very narrow field and to be good in some others.
They insert sleep(1) and print statements. No shit. I had to fix this in two projects. One was a complete rewrite.
Ja. Weil das ja nicht Dein einziger Kommentar in die Richtung ist, gell? Und weil Du rechte Hetze, die am Punkt vorbei geht (von der CDU kaputtgespartes Gesundheitssystem vs. Asylbewerber) versuchst mit anekdotischen Geschichten zu legitimieren - welche zudem noch unglaubwürdig sind.
Dann aber schnell den Zahnarzt gewechselt. Deutsche, lasst nur bei Deutschen bohren! /s
Why would they use bitcoins to pay for the stream? If it’s already bitcoin why bother?
You can book this as a service for only $499/$999 per month from a dodgy website with no company adress but bold claims about time savings. Lol. Source: https://applybyapi.com/#pricing
But the best thing is: you can’t send your open jobs by API. You need to use a rich text editor:
Post your job Upload your logo and use our easy rich text editor to make your posting shine. Unlimited job postings are included with every plan.
Here’s an article about it: https://dev.to/maggiecodes_/how-i-applied-to-a-tech-job-using-a-post-request-193d
The thing that annoys me is the response. It should return status 201 created and the id of the new resource for future delete/update operations. Instead it returns 200 ok and some clear text. Wouldn’t want to work with such an API.
I like how you and the person you were answering to think. It opened a new perspective for me and showed me my bias. Thank you. Please continue to understand things that well and let others know about it. 😀