-credit to nedroid for strange art

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Aren’t you at all curious why it failed though? (If not, no harm no foul – I certainly know time diagnosing a bug is always in short supply, from personal experience). What if it’s a symptom of something important that might happen later even in Fedora 41?

    Sometimes it just feels like containers are used as justification for devs to blow off bug reports. As a dev I want to understand why a failure occurs.

  • Agreed there – it’s good for onboarding devs and ensuring consistent build environment.

    Once an app is ‘stable’ within a docker env, great – but running it outside of a container will inevitably reveal lots of subtle issues that might be worth fixing (assumptions become evident when one’s app encounters a different toolchain version, stdlib, or other libraries/APIs…). In this age of rapid development and deployment, perhaps most shops don’t care about that since containers enable one to ignore such things for a long time, if not forever…

    But like I said, I know my viewpoint is a losing battle. I just wish it wasn’t used so much as a shortcut to deployment where good documentation of dependencies, configuration and testing in varied environments would be my preference.

    And yes, I run a bare-metal ‘pet’ server so I deal with configuration that might otherwise be glossed over by containerized apps. Guess I’m just crazy but I like dealing with app config at one layer (host OS) rather than spread around within multiple containers.

  • Call me crusty, old-fart, unwilling to embrace change… but docker has always felt like a cop-out to me as a dev. Figure out what breaks and fix it so your app is more robust, stop being lazy.

    I pretty much refuse to install any app which only ships as a docker install.

    No need to reply to this, you don’t have to agree and I know the battle has been already lost. I don’t care. Hmmph.

  • NEW METHOD which avoids the udev ‘event storm’ caused by docking/undocking the keyboard


    me=$(basename "$0")
    while true; do
      sleep 3
      output=$(lsusb -d 0b05:1b2c)
      if [ $stat == 1 ] && [ $laststate != 1 ]; then
        ## kbd removed, enable lower display
        logger -p user.info "${me} KEYBOARD REMOVED"
        xrandr --auto && xrandr --output eDP-2 --below eDP-1
      elif [ $stat == 0 ] && [ $laststate != 0 ]; then
        ## kbd replaced, disable lower display
        logger -p user.info "${me} KEYBOARD DOCKED"
        xrandr --output eDP-2 --off

    Hook this up to your init system, or run from a nohup session redirected to /dev/null on login or session startup … for example, on my system I am member of group video, so installing it to /usr/local/bin and setting ownership to root:video and sudo chmod ug+rx allows it to be run on session login automatically.

  • You spread misinformation, gardylou@lemmy.world. Anyone who cares to do so can verify the info I give below.

    Snowden stated from the start that he originally intended to go from Hong Kong to Ecuador, who had promised him asylum. He intentionally gave away all copies of his data, destroying his own, to the journalists who had met him in Hong Kong to evaluate his leaks (verify sources before believing those who claim ‘he leaked info to Russia’). He fully intended to be ‘clean’ if he were interdicted on his way out of Hong Kong.

    The US illegally (violating international law! It is illegal for a nation to render their own citizen stateless while abroad) revoked his US passport as he flew to Russia, which he meant to be a temporary stop only to obtain passage on a flight to Ecuador as Ecuadorian officials were to be there in order to receive him.

    The President of Ecuador’s own Presidential Plane, with the Ecuadorian President onboard was forcibly grounded over EU airspace, by fighter jets, at the USA’s behest, on suspicioun that Snowden might be aboard. Snowden was trapped in a Russian airport, against his will, with no valid passport, essentially rendered Stateless – again, a violation of international law perpetrated by the USA against one of its own citizens.

    Imagine the USA’s response if Airforce One were forcibly grounded to a foreign airport, by foreign fighter-jets, at the behest of another country.