Would that then mean that growing garlic is an evolutionary adaptation of humans to the pressure of vampirism?
Would that then imply Italy has a significantly higher number of vampires than normal?
Would that then mean that growing garlic is an evolutionary adaptation of humans to the pressure of vampirism?
Would that then imply Italy has a significantly higher number of vampires than normal?
Are you suggesting that one of the traits bred into domesticated garlic was vampire repelling?
Yeah, it’s not a joke, it literally happens all the time, and an error after block close generally means the system doesn’t think it’s closed, usually because a bracket isn’t paired off.
If it worked like that, everyone would have defederated .world cca December 2023.
I mean, remember who was president 20 years ago?
That’s like saying you can read a sentence written in rot13. Technically yes, you can decipher it, but it’s not as easy. The spaces are used for a reason. Same with punctuation.
You know that trick where people can mostly recognise words with scrambled letters, as long as the first and last are right? Long, unknown words scramble that, and force you to parse them “manually”, and even then, in your own example, you can easily misread (and then have to go back and correct yourself) cANYou…, canYOUREad…, …ceEVENTho…, …venTHOUGHT-HEREar…, …ghTHE-REARen…,
It’s by design very verbose and “English”-like, like instead of x=y*z it would go “MULTIPLY y BY z GIVING x”, the idea was that it would read almost like natural language, so that non-tech staff could understand it.
People thought COBOL would let managers write code.
Yeah, but shunts are “added” in parallel, daisy chaining cords adds them in series.
On the contrary, practically every single person in this thread that mentions resistance is talking precisely backwards. Higher resistance will not cause overheating. Except for certain motor loads, it will cause malfunction due to voltage drop. The actual fire hazard is the increased chance of faulty cable, faulty connection, and, inevitably, overloading.
What are you talking about? Current absolutely changes! Your own formula requires I=V/R
It does that because the thin filament has high resistance;
Other way around. Low resistance - high power.
“Funny” gets laughs. “Relatable” gets engagement.
I’d hazard a guess that your first “because” is mistaken, and point out that the mayor is himself a former cop.
I’d hazard a guess the post titled “Where’s the mayor” is more likely about the mayor than about the arsonist.
Depending on the angle (a lot going on there) you could go with “denial”. As in, you’re lying, because if you’re bot, then my life sucked, and that’s unacceptable, so you’re lying.
…Wait, is Joe then also a child? Good grief, no wonder America went to shit, they let a fucking child be president!
Yeah, you’re probably right. They should try it a few more times just to be sure.
Exactly, which is why Kamala won!
…And the omnipresence of garlic in Chinese cuisine would also be what drove jiangshi to develop garlic immunity, makes sense.