I have that same laptop, and it sounds perfect for what you want. Cheap, repairable, and runs linux well.
I have that same laptop, and it sounds perfect for what you want. Cheap, repairable, and runs linux well.
I still say “Rufio! Rufio!” almost every time I see a picture or mention of Dante Brasco, which is more frequently than you might think since ATLA is one of my comfort/background shows.
One of them is following me, but with a bunch of extra spaces after the exclamation point.
I don’t usually check my followers, but I happened to be in there a couple days ago. The only person following me then was my wife, so this bot/spam is relatively new.
I hope it’s obvious from your story, but just in case. Everyone, please don’t ever pour gasoline on a fire. It isn’t worth it.
My wife and I had a similar conversation the other day. The kids were being a handful, and she said, “Why do people even have kids?”
And I said it’s because society lies to you. “You’ll never feel emotionally/mentally/financially ready for kids. Just do it!”
I always tell people that you need to be 110% sure. I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything, but I sure do miss the quiet, free time, and extra money.
Your second point is a big one for me. If I hit the gym in the morning, I’m more likely to make better food choices throughout the day. Conversely, if I skip a planned gym day, i’m more likely to binge on anything I can get my hands on…
I dove headfirst recently and switched from KDE Plasma to Hyprland. I ended up using someone else’s config as a base, and I’m still tweaking, but so far, I have no regrets.
It’s just way faster for me most of the time. I can hit F12, do what I need, and be done without messing around with a mouse or touchpad.