What if two swallows carried you on a piece of string?
What if two swallows carried you on a piece of string?
They did this in Free City, and one of the bank tellers became indistinguishable from a player.
If subtitles or captions are on, I can’t help but read them. It’s fine for most things. Terrible for standup comedy, though. The captions spoil the delivery.
It’s fun to watch people who probably get pissed off about ableism think it doesn’t apply when they’re mad about old people losing their hearing because they are a political monolith who all voted for Romney and Trump.
Add rice and beans. Done and done. Who expects to fill up on enchiladas alone? That’s like trying to get your 2000 calories from only eating steak.
Yes. They definitely advertise rice and corn as gluten free.
They would need to have their brain destroyed or head severed to stop them from eating people and making more like themselves.
I made a similar comment elsewhere. Are the hackers identifying themselves such that they have a reputation that means something? If so, how do we know they are the reputable hackers and not just using the name of the reputable hackers?
In blackmail cases, the scammers typically keep coming back for more and more money.
But that is hardly a step toward assuring anything was deleted. Do the criminals really have a reputation at stake for keeping their word? Wouldn’t that require we can confirm their identity?
Makes sense to me. That’s pretty basic math. Perhaps you should do a remedial class on xtasis and narai before trying to jump into this stuff.
Not sure about the longitude pneumonic. Latitude lines stay parallel, but longitude lines all connect at the poles. 0⁰ longitude ends where 180⁰ longitude starts at each pole. So longitude lines don’t really keep circling.
I read the question as. “Is this game bad for reason #1 or for reason #2?” It assumes the game is bad.
I’d get a couple of coppers on him.
I can see how it would be possible, but difficult. Pulling nails back out, though? Oh, man.
Huh? I don’t know that…