I see your communist plot to combat light pollution. The sky must be filled with lights from advertisements or else you wouldn’t know about the products that we already advertise on your phone and in your dreams. Stay in line citizen.
I see your communist plot to combat light pollution. The sky must be filled with lights from advertisements or else you wouldn’t know about the products that we already advertise on your phone and in your dreams. Stay in line citizen.
Probably got fired from Wendy’s.
Try some sweet jam on a sharp cheese. It’s such a good blend. Some people mix mustard and jelly but I think you can skip that for blue cheese.
Gas threads and water threads are opposites to each other for safety reasons. Might be part of that thought.
One gets you demonetized the other gets you engagement. Capitalism wins again.
There is also iron mode which helps to ignore bots. Yes they can still steal your ore deposit but there are enough worlds to go to.
The m chips are only good for inference and not for training. That is still unparalleled with CUDA. Pun intended.
If I remember correctly the pressure came from credit card companies and not any government.