you can try if your monitor has a USB hub put it on there, when the monitor is off so goes the mouse.
you can try if your monitor has a USB hub put it on there, when the monitor is off so goes the mouse.
they sell a Debian thong but no Python underwear 😣
I would say the comment for mullvad browser just to use librefox is dangerous and wrong, the no script from mullvad browser served me well by exporting it to other browsers even to mobile.
I think this article does a better job at explaining.
From what I understand with this new battery, it’s both easier to disassemble the lithium part for recycling and additionally the rusting MXene film used can be de-rusted with sound waves. Therefore when performance drops it allows the “electrical and electrochemical performance to be recovered”.
I agree with Ctrl+Alt+F1/F2 but would add
init 3 init 5
but I learned for my case its better to reboot if my GPU is acting up the instability would eventually come back