Yeah, it should! If it was a supported graphics card The GT 710 relies on the nvidia-470 driver as the newest supported one. Anything newer and it just doesn’t run
Yeah, it should! If it was a supported graphics card The GT 710 relies on the nvidia-470 driver as the newest supported one. Anything newer and it just doesn’t run
They day I leave X11!.. Is the day I buy a decent graphics card Seriously my GT 710 is suffering
Self-hostable servers, this way if their datacenters go down, game is still playable
Better go with MySQL to ensure foreign keys comstrains
And I commented that only because it was a joke over the comic itself, it just felt funny
How is this not a comic? You need to learn how to take a comic
I fucking wish
Throw it away And someone is bound to show up with a iMac G3
Np, another OS that isn’t Linux based, it’s rather obscure-ish but it’s genuinely impressive is Haiku OS, the community-driven spiritual successor of BeOS
That isn’t even being hosted on github
How many ppl do you see rocking Slackware nowadays?
If being usable is a metric, Slackware
Kolibri isn’t a Linux distro, it is a fork of MenuetOS and not Linux at all
From what I saw, they’re doing some changes to improve shader recompilation Maybe too early, but seems this time they might actually do something to improve the codebase instead of ‘yet another renamed yuzu’
The third one, wouldn’t it hit Rockstar with Red Dead Redemption? After all, you do ride a animal(horse) and can easily swap in and our of 'em
Kill that with fire
XFCE. it’s dumb, simple, it gives you a panel to access your programs, your desktop icons, and nothing else. I just want my computer to let me do my things, not have a built-in ‘brew a cup of coffee’ button
The sheer amount of attention to details that the game has is just pure insanity The game has special sound effect that plays, to let you know that the flying homing skulls are literally right behind you, just so that you don’t have to look behind you all the time to know if they’re near or not The complete lack of a user interface yet the game still communicates extremely well how everything works by just… throwing it at you and letting you experiment
It’s my plan! I’m thinking on getting a RX 580 Sadly I’m stuck onto a country with a worthless money, and even a 10 years old graphics card, costs more than my rent