I let my password manager create 32 char passwords, that should be enough for a while. But of course then you have websites that throw you a ‘your password is too long’ message and have you find out by trial and error that they only accept 12 characters.
Or the off-by-one errors where they insist that 24 chars are the max, but in reality they accept 23. Probably never tested the limit.
Or websites that truncate your password after X characters when registering, but not when logging in, so you end up with an incorrect password and good luck finding out which limit the registration page actually uses.
I think it is wild that there are countries that allow this distopian shit at all. Sure, if you’re a pilot or something random tests are fine, lives depend on you being fit to fly. But for most jobs having used drugs the evening before wouldn’t affect the job, so it should not be the employers business what you do in your own time.