Moving a very stinky trashcan back to a more public area after doing something like this may not be a great idea. Leaving it in the bathroom also is weird though. I don’t think any solution is ideal in that situation.
Moving a very stinky trashcan back to a more public area after doing something like this may not be a great idea. Leaving it in the bathroom also is weird though. I don’t think any solution is ideal in that situation.
This holds true for other companies using windows on handhelds, but Microsoft has the windows source code. I think this means that there is potential for Microsoft to make a version of windows that really works efficiently, but they’d have to had learned their lesson from windows phones.
If it’s not taped incredibly well, you can pry it open. It’s hard if they actually used good tape and/or a lot of tape to close it.
Yeah I think I would never have gotten into prog rock if I was limited to the radio. That would have sucked.
I feel like building a top of the line PC cost less than half this just one generation ago. What on earth happened?
Edit: maybe the specs in the comic are just crazy.
More and more I’ve seen these contextless comments. It’s really odd. Do people just expect us to know what they’re thinking?
The Internet is truly a bizarre place sometimes.
That’s all well and good until you need more jpeg.
IMO the built in documentation is kind of hard to digest, but it gets easier with practice and I’m glad that it’s there. Thinking about it, some good search engine for manpages that doesn’t require messing with VIM or emacs would be good. That probably exists somewhere.
Using Linux isn’t that difficult. You have to remember a few commands, their syntax, and how to look things up on the web or read a book. Speaking a language is probably harder than using Linux for basic stuff.
If it was, Nintendo would be trying to kill him.
You’re right. What he did is murder and it’s the job of the justice system to find him and convict him. I wouldn’t feel bad if he wasn’t caught, but it’s still probably the right thing to do.
I don’t seriously think that normalizing the murder of CEOs is going to fix things anyways, and it’s not a democratic way of dealing with the problem.
There is still a chance, but it’s just much more of a crapshoot. I have been offered jobs where I didn’t know anyone, but those have been rare compared to other offers. Jobs where I knew someone at least tended to lead to serious interviews.
They’re going to be in for a rude awakening when horses start eating people.
Too late. Now you have to install FreeBSD.
Don’t try to install Arch after midnight.
I don’t know if billionaires are the product of capitalism per se. Billionaires are people who have found out how to exploit the current system the best. In a socialistic society there are plenty of opportunities for corruption and exploitation of the working class. The rules are just a bit different. Billionaires definitely will defend capitalism since it’s how they’re currently winning the game, but they’ll adapt as soon as they need to as well. That or the winners will be a different group of people. Either way, the most powerful will always look for ways to consolidate even more power.
Agreed. You can’t argue with how effective it’s been for the country as a whole, but I don’t think i’d rather live there as an individual.
People will find ways to accrue wealth and power even if you change the rules of the game. Sometimes people on this platform make it sound like socialism or communism can solve our problems. but it’s not that simple.
Gender is a second order tensor, so you should store it as a pointer to an array of pointers for maximum read/write speed.