I feel as if I’ve seen this before…
I feel as if I’ve seen this before…
┬┴┬┴┤ω・) be honest
As they say, if you felt the need to make multiple comments on it…
Huh? I’m all for d***riding on Linux but this is a weird case. I’ve not had a single issue with windows on gaming laptops even across multiple reinstalls. They’re all automatically installed soon after you boot. Just need to wait through a few updates.
Tell me you’re a redditor without telling me you’re a redditor
Because new people are hopping on the bandwagon late so instead of the shit lasting a couple of days it becomes over a week of shit
Well where’s YOUR post huh? Assert your dominance.
Bro the dirt under your shoes don’t give af whether you’re being polite about going inside the house with them or not
Someone’s gonna get their balls taken away
Say on god
Yelling fuck off when the captcha appears doesn’t seem to help so I guess they do
They’re actually advertising for an orphanage so every time a child gets adopted they cross one out.
but who’s going to clean The Outside?
furries have entered the chat
when the caveman looks at you and realizes… there’s always another hole
Just lick it off.