Anything with Sir David Attenborough or Ken Burns
Anything with Sir David Attenborough or Ken Burns
Now I gotta go listen to The Dead Milkmen
I’ve probably played an uncomfortable amount of FF7 to most. During covid, I recently became single so I decided to find some like-minded discord communities to pass that time. I met someone who was streaming FF7. I hopped into the stream and kicked it off with explaining how to get a golden chocobo to reach the final red materia. We’re married now and have a dog :D
Look. I-- I’d had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, ‘That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah.’
I would encourage you and others to give SS1 remake by Nightdive Studios a go. It was well worth the money imo.
Yes. I run my PC and my work laptop dock (ThinkPad) using a KVM switch. The KVM supports dual Display ports and 4 USB 3.0 ports. I believe I get a max of 4K at 120Hz for both.
I’m a Space Dog, half space, half dog! I’m my own best friend.
Red Hot would be my preferred hot sauce, but yes.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 was announced in 2008 and now they’re doing a “remaster” of the first one? Not having high confidence in what they’re delivering tbh.
Props for using OG Ganon from the animated series
I think there was a missed opportunity here to represent their fight with sticks as the blocking of ads.
My partner and I got a PS5 when they became available and only played a couple of games on it. It mostly collects dust now. I’d attribute a lot to PlayStation’s games becoming more available on PC.
Find common interests. I found a chat server that reflected a social interest for myself and joined. Met a group of people that were fantastic and met them through that. Results may vary though as this was in 2020.
My advice is don’t look to date but to find a connection through other means and / or interests. IMO, people who focus on “dating” often don’t express themselves which is what most people use to ask: “Is this person a friend or foe?”.
One thing I’ve learned is if you have hard, yellow stains inside your toilet, you can use a pumice stone to magically erase it away. Blew my mind.
The murder of Julius Caesar - 44 B.C.
As I always say to my wife (who is from New England): Get ch’ya kaa keys outta ya kaakees, we’re goin to kankard(Concord), kid.
Any minor inconvenience:
“That’s it. I’m getting me mallet”