A truly unpopular opinion. I categorically disagree, but I also love to see it. Excellent.
wiki-user: 6daemonbag
A truly unpopular opinion. I categorically disagree, but I also love to see it. Excellent.
Yes but also when people are telling someone they’re from New York they tend to assume the city, so the follow-up answer is for clarification. The state is big and wildly different from NYC
The best way I can describe the emotional difference is that Reznor’s version depicts ruinous destruction of a young person’s life, and Cash’s version depicts a lifetime of regret. Their literal ages obviously help convey it, but the arrangement and style really sell it
Bones in the Water by Battle of Mice. I’ve never heard that level of unhinged screaming in my life. Plus it’s creepy as fuck
Never heard of BBQ/mayo but I’m there.
The embarrassment of getting pummeled to some sort of electric accordion solo really sells it. Is it an accordion? I haven’t listened to it in 20 years
That left-align is just 🤌
This motherfucker trying to pull a Momonga
You think it’s expensive now, but wait till everyone with all that California tech money rolls in and starts buying everything sight-unseen. And in cash.
This actually happened to me. I spent the whole day imagining how blue my ass was, too distracted to truly enjoy myself. Obviously I told everyone because I also thought it was funny but… UGH
Imagine being the first one to use a fresh porta potty. No smell, other than that blue chemical water down at the bottom. It’s so damn clean.
“Great!” you exclaim with excitement. So you sit down on that smooth dry toilet seat and, relaxing, a tremendous donker just falls right out of you.
The mass is too great. The distance. The speed and acceleration. It isn’t even a second of time, but you know. You know.
A cold blue kiss races towards the moon. A moon so relaxed the single crater yawns beckoningly wide. The kiss forms into a dull spear, racing towards the darkened maw. It enters beyond the shadow. Fully into the heavenly body. Cold meets heat.
You yelp in shock. There is cold artificially blue water deep in your butthole. The sudden tension passes and as your muscles relax again, some of that cold drains back down to earth. A light shower.
You were looking forward to this festival all year and you spend the entire time distractedly thinking in shame about how something so fortuitous turned to disaster in moments. You didn’t bring a change of underwear. Why would you?
Really? For me it’s exactly the same as before critroll. “Anyone want to play? Sure I’ll DM. See y’all this weekend!”
I went to their about page and realized I was in over my head.
I don’t know about you but I watch it at 1.5% with a heavy hand on skipping all recaps. Also yes it reaches near dbz-levels of screaming
Plus if you like it enough to watch the anime you can skip like 50 episodes
I lived overseas when I was a kid and my grandma used to tape Saturday morning cartoons and mail them to me
I believe the first time I saw it, it didn’t have the dog, and the setup was racist.
Yes I meant unbiased, but I was unsure if even using that word would be taken the wrong way. I don’t want to be taken as a centrist or anything like that, because I’m not even close.
I just want a flat clinical review of what it says versus what it actually means without clickbait sensationalism. It is plainly bad, that much is obvious. But what are the real-life, bureaucratic implications of its potential execution?
Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely check it out.
Is there a neutral review of project 2025 that you can point to? That site is ass and either points to a book you can buy or a thousand links to PDFs.
Used to speak the King’s En-ga-lish
But caught a rash on my lips, so now my chat just like dis