I jumped around the rendezvous points without hitting the space station and forgot to take the pictures when playing earlier today. If I set my active quest to it, it says go to %planet% so I’m assuming this is a bug but I have no quest route in the galaxy map. I only visited the space station for the first rendezvous if that’s any help
Update: still no luck but looks like the rendezvous milestones autocompleted as I haven’t gotten to phase 5 rendezvous
My favorite was during first run of expedition 2 (or whatever the Normandy one was) was my buddy managed to get a full fleet of Normandys (Normandies, what’s the plural) because the claim prompt wasn’t going away
Mine was, I think in the first expedition, the korvax at the space station allowed you to practice the language indefinitely, thus acquiring dozens of upgrade modules, many S-class. Having a fully tooled up exosuit, multitool, and starship, and a bucket of nanites at the start of the exp was useful.
Right during the inventory rework I could just keep adding tech slots and so I have so many tech slots on my main save