I know I have small hands but c’mon. Flagship phones these days are strait up small tablets, not even what we’d have called on phablets 15 years ago.
I know it’s what people buy, but I’m still sad that if I want a phone that small then I have to deal with camera and display a couple gens old
The phone you see on that left is a pixel 7 pro.
Is the pixel 9 pro much smaller than that? Because I wouldn’t call the pixel 7 pro “small”
Yes, the Pixel 7 Pro was when Google still only had 2 models, the big pro model and the small non-pro model.
With the Pixel 9 series there are 3 options, the budget pixel 9, which is a small phone, the Pixel 9 Pro, which is a flagship but the same size as the small Pixel 9,or the Pixel 9 Pro XL, which is the big version of the flagship Pixel 9 Pro. So you no longer need to compromise if you want a small Pixel phone
isnt the pixel 7a the budget pixel 7?
Oh the p9, p9p, and p9a is the same size as the p7a. Nice! Still a bit large but still a great improvement on the p7p
I actually went from a 7 pro to a 9 pro, and while Idk if its small enough for you it is a massive change in usability for me. I disliked the 7 it was usable but annoying at times to reach stuff I almost never have that issue with the 9 pro.