Do you think it is likely that we will start to see Large Language Models integrated in to major video games? If so, are there some examples within gaming already?

    2 months ago

    That is…actually far better than I thought it would be. It’s clearly not ready yet, but I could see the potential.

    The AI model is too happy to serve the whims of the player, but if there was a better model that could actually be hooked in to me hanics like personality scores or reputation, I could see that as an interesting gameplay system. It also needs more checks on what they are and aren’t supposed to know (e.g. why would a Skyrim NPC associate the name Batman with heroism, or why would they know who Gandalf is?).

    A (digital) setup like Westworld is probably in the cards someday. Hopefully with more checks in place to keep the AI from rising up though!