Today i played Starbound. I picked it up for sale a few years ago for pretty cheap. Today i decided to boot it up and mess around in it, wanting something like terarria but not as open.

I have to say though, i forgot how tedious the opening missions are. You have to go mining for these specific crystals and then open a gate. My gate ended up being extremely far away too so my character got his steps in. I still love this game but i forgot how tiring that opening mission is.

When i finally got there i realized that i must have some mods leftover from when i last played with a friend. That was because there were these two robed guys i don’t remember in the main game.

After looking at the gate i went on the hunt for the gems as i had only collected one at that point. That’s when i stumbled on the House in the main screenshot and decided to rest there. I didn’t want to be out at night because there were these annoying blue guys that kept running at me that i’m pretty sure were added by a mod.

Along the way i stumbled across this castle thing. These things spawn in the base game and i love renovating them into a base. If i ever end up picking this save up again i for sure want too turn it into a home:

I ended up getting caught outside after this, and i don’t know if its a mod or the game is just difficult for me (i’m also playing with controller so that probably doesn’t help) but the enemies kept wiping the floor with me and i was getting tired of searching for those crystals. So i ended up setting it down for the night.

    2 months ago

    I miss the old version of the game.

    When it was in dev it had randomly generated animals on the planets. Made each planet more interesting and unique. For an unknown reason it was changed just before the official launch to have 3-4 mobs per planet type.

      2 months ago

      Also there was no story and gameplay wasn’t as linear in the old version.

      I loved the gameplay loop of exploringanother planet, and then coming back to your home planet and to build, craft and decorate.