Say, some alien just wanted to mess with us, but doesn’t invade, or even care enough to want to kill us, but seeing how everyone is on their phone all the time, they decided to just jam all our radios to watch us suffer. Their transmitting power they use is so powerful, its jamming signals are 1000 times stronger than the strongest radios we have, so there’s no way we can overpower the jamming.

What does the immediate aftermath look like?

What does it look like in the long term?

(Please don’t say “kill the aliens” they have tech so advanced, its impossible to do it)

    3 months ago

    I think you’re being intentionally obtuse here and betraying the spirit of the question?

    Your meta analyzing the question instead of just taking the questions as it is, and in the process failed to actually address the core question. It’s a hypothetical scenario where most of our radio communication is jammed and unusable.

    The mechanics of how the question got there don’t really matter, that’s not part of the question, it’s pointlessly pedantic to pick it apart. Just imagine the scenario with the mechanics you can consider plausible for such a scenario, and roll with it 🤦

    “Aliens have technology beyond our means and largely render radio communication impossible by way of jamming”

            3 months ago

            Honestly it gave me the u/andromeda321 vibes. Like someone who knows their shit just wandered in and gave us all a lesson. She is the only thing I miss about the site that must not be named.

            I’m very happy people like you exist and and don’t want to see people that might not appreciate these things to ruin it for the rest of us that do. I want lemmy to be better than the old place.

            Any way happy new year!

      3 months ago

      What I like about these kind of questions is how different people take things in a totally different direction. I find it absolutely fascinating to see detailed replies about connotations I never thought of. It’s the whole reason why I love xkcd’s What If. If you’re unfamiliar, do yourself a favour and have a read. I particularly enjoy his answer to the question of everyone standing in one spot and jumping at the same time. He more or less ignores the core question and focuses on the societal & environmental impact of a mass human migration to one point, resulting in a fantastic read.