nathan mahoney kills another ceo

    3 months ago

    A bit between friends is different.

    Fuck, I was a skater in school. I threw myself down a two story half pipe in a warehouse every weekend. I had bruises on top of bruises.

    Pain wasn’t new to me, cause man, I fucking sucked on a skateboard.

    Let me put it this way, the kid I gave a broken nose to was a wanna-be MS13 member at the time. Ran into him after high school - guess who was a member? I’m glad I had friends with me, and we outnumbered his crew. They backed down. I don’t know what they had, but we all carried knives - and at the time - were ready to use them. My late teen years were a little wild. He recognized me, and called them to back off.

    I guess getting the cops involved over a pool table in a bowling alley would have fucked up their bigger plans.