Shamelessly stolen from reddit.

    3 months ago

    Sounds like hysteria though, with the way it’s written.

    The articles do not include the statement from our military saying that everything is normal. (But they do have the “here’s a bunch of scary stuff, we reached out but didn’t get a comment, story is breaking will update”)

    They include quotes that if you look carefully seem to fit both stories; there’s a crazy drone thing happening, and nothing out of the ordinary is happening.

    A warning about drones. A base closing for 4 hours. Things you expect to happen in day to day life, but also do a great job of freaking people out when you string the data points together just so.

    I had to dig to find how many drone incidents with military bases we’ve had per year. Because that isn’t common info. Really, really important information. The first thing you would report, probably.

    But it’s not in any of these articles lol