Videos games aren’t supposed to be realistic. I’m not supposed to put myself in the position of a real socom or seal or delta or recons or X18 for that matter. I don’t want a video game that represents reality. That’s not what video games are about. Video games are supposed to be void of reality. Destiny, baldurs gate, elder scrolls, Mario, metal gear, etc… That’s what video gaming is supposed to be. Not real situations that could/would occur like call of duty. CoD is a garbage game and it’s offensive for them to remaster the bullshit and then expect people to pay for the bullshit that they couldn’t justify having paid for when the game(s] was first released. Do not fall for the Microsoft trap

    7 months ago

    horrible opinion. other people like other things. complaining about things you don’t like is better than complaining about other people that don’t like the same things as you. just play games you like, others wanting realistic stuff doesn’t hurt you in any way. there’s more unrealistic games than you could ever play. upvoted.